Week 3 – Generative art

Ice cream sketch: https://editor.p5js.org/iguannalin/sketches/zr4K26owI The generative ice cream sketch was fun to make, using the constraints of one instance of each shape function to create different randomly generated ice creams. Shapes sketch: https://editor.p5js.org/iguannalin/sketches/T5UetFy1N Creating the shapes sketch was a bit tricky as drawing the vertices for the shapes are very precise. I wrote a handy… Continue reading Week 3 – Generative art

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HW Week3: icecream & ideas

The Ice Cream My ice cream has several flavors and sides. By controlling variables, it will generates different amount of flavors and sides with random colors. The position of each scoop ice cream will be calculated by its index and the total number of scoops. And the sides of the ice cream will be generated… Continue reading HW Week3: icecream & ideas