Ideation For the final project, we started from brainstorming about what topic to be addressed. We first talked about how governments would try to prescribe a unified message to the public and impose values on us that define what is considered to be “good,” “rational,” and “successful.” Following those attempts are efforts to transform everyone… Continue reading Final Project – Jinzhong, Sophie, Ruoxi
Author: Ruoxi
Zine Research – Ruoxi
The first zine I want to discuss is called “Beautiful Book” by Miyako Akai. It has a simple goal rather than a radical political view: to let everyone enjoy the beauty of pentagons. Miyako chose to make it because “the pentagon shape contains the golden ratio in it. There are traditional patterns using the pentagon.… Continue reading Zine Research – Ruoxi
Design System Poster – Ruoxi
Ideation For this assignment 2, I chose climate change as the topic. I got a lot of design inspiration from the Mate Act Now project and then used it as an extension to brainstorming. Here are some of the posters that inspired me the most. Click here to view more: Mate Act Now – Gallery.… Continue reading Design System Poster – Ruoxi
Week 3 HW – Ruoxi
For the ice cream exercise, I designed a random generator to create various sizes and flavors(colors) of ice creams. Have a try As for assignment 2, I would like to create a series of posters to increase climate change awareness. I have sketched out 3 different ideas, as shown below. Idea 1: text-based posters with… Continue reading Week 3 HW – Ruoxi
Assignment 1 – Ruoxi
For assignment 1, Riso animation, I found a 2-second colorful motion graphic on the Internet and tested many color combinations. Finally, I chose the red-blue combination for printing. The effect is as follows. Then I put the image into photoshop to saturate it slightly and create an inverted version because the inverted colors are super… Continue reading Assignment 1 – Ruoxi
HW 1 – Ruoxi
For homework 1, we need to print a monochrome image. I used p5.js to create a magazine-style toothpaste poster, but at first, I didn’t understand the “cutout” relationship, so the printed image had no background. After troubleshooting, the final result is as follows. Although the print saturation is not as high as that generated by… Continue reading HW 1 – Ruoxi