For the assignment 1, we are required to select an animation / video and cut it into frames and make them into contact sheets for riso-printing. After that, we reassemble the contact sheets into frames and play them with p5.js or ffmpeg.
Here is what I have done:
I chose pink and blue to be my main colors. Because pink is much lighter than blue, I made pink to be the base layer and blue to be the second layer. As shown above, the pink color provides a hazy background / atmosphere, while the darker blue highlights the transition of the animation.
Final animations with p5.js:
However, to calibrate riso frames is sometimes annoying, so I borrowed the inspiration from our professor to make frame rate controllable using left / right arrows. So, I could play the animation at a very low frame rate and adjust variables slightly. Furthermore, I also apply dynamic filters to the animation to add more characteristics and textures (using up / down arrows):
The full project link:
by Jinzhong Yu