Assignment 2: computational design system

For the assignment 2, I want to make a political poster reflecting the unjustifiable and ruthless wars where the politicians incite their soldier to practice justice, however, bring catastrophe to the entire world.

The basic Idea is a random weapon shooting political slogans towards the sky. For the weapons, I used some svgs and converted them into P5 shapes with this tool. For the slogans, I made them into bullets. And these bullets (characters) are shot by the weapon, moving along a parabolic line.


So I set up a simple equation and compute the position of each bullet in the sky:

compute the movement of words

In the beginning, I used black background and gave a white color to the weapon and the characters:

with pure p5

After completing the P5 coding part, I converted the regular P5 code into P5.Riso code with 2 layers.

with Riso layers and cutout

In order to make the output image dynamically fit the ratio of the screen (paper). I rewrote the code to compute the (x, y) of each element based on a relative position:



press “space” to re-generate and press “enter” to download Riso layers