- Review of DOM library.
- Review of video and sound examples.
- Review the examples and videos at the tutorials above.
- Research Post: You would have seen Cory ArcAngel’s Super Mario Clouds piece on the Whitney Muesum field trip. ArcAngel claims to have hacked a game console to produce this work. Watch this short documentary on a project that investigated this claim by reverse engineering the work. Write a review of the work and the analysis on this blog. Comment on if this additional research changes the work for you and why?
- Review the final project brief. Finalize your idea with further research, mocking up and experimentation. Prepare a proposal presentation for your idea, come to our next class on Nov 27th, ready to present.
- Revise for the p5js class quiz on Nov 29th (5%). This quiz will cover: differences between javascript and java, classes in javascript, arrays and arrays of objects, JSON and the functions loadJSON(), loadImage(), and setInterval(). (Basically review the tutorials on this site: Adding media, classes and objects, JSON basics and JSON and APIS.) The quiz cheat is here