An evolving list of creative coding related readings. I will add to these throughout term, and some will be allocated as required readings in class.
Computational Art
- First Word Art / Last Word Art, Michael Naimar, 2001
- Transforming Mirrors, Subjectivity and Control in Interactive Media, David Rokeby, 1996.
- Not Art & Tech, Olia Lialian, 2015.
- Software and Drawing, A text about Software & Art by Casey Reas. This text accompanies this project, commissioned by the Whitney.
- Ten Questions Concerning Generative Computer Art, McCormack, Jon, Oliver Bown, Alan Dorin, Jonathan McCabe, Gordon Monro, and Mitchell Whitelaw, March 2013
Software cultures
- 12 things everyone should understand about tech, Anil Dash.
- Why Do I Have to Call This App ‘Julie’?, Joanne McNeil, 2015.
- Turing Complete User, Olia Lialina, 2012
- Code, the hidden language of computer software, Petzold, Charles, 2009. O’Reilly Media, Inc. Preface and chapter 1. And if you’re into it, continue with chapter 2.
- Words Made Flesh, Florian Cramer, 2005. ( wordsmadefleshpdf )
Design and Aesthetics
- Point and Line to Plane, Wassily Kandinsky, 1926.
- Interaction of Color, Joseph Albers, 1963.
Inspiring Talks
- Amit Pitaru, On coding instruments, drawing and how to learn to learn.
- Morehshin Allahyari on digital colonialism, 3d fabrication and activist practices
- Rachel Binx: Design, maps and creative entrepreneurship
- Gene Kogan: Machine learning and art
- More eyeo talks here