Due dates:
- Tuesday 9th (via slack). Come up with 3 ideas for this project and posting them to the blog by next Tuesday (we do not have class and I will get back to you via the Slack).
- Thursday 18th October – due at the start of class,
Project Brief
Design a ‘visual clock’ that displays a novel or unconventional representation of the time. It is not essential that the time of day be literally readable from it, but your clock should appear different at all times of the day, and it should repeat its appearance every 24 hours (or other relevant cycle, if desired). You are encouraged to question basic assumptions about how time is mediated and represented. Ponder things like biological time (chronobiology), ultradian and infradian rhythms, solar and lunar cycles, celestial time and sidereal time, decimal time, metric time, geological time, historical time, psychological time, and subjective time. Inform your design by reading about the history of timekeeping systems and devices, and their transformative effects on society. (See the lecture examples for inspiration (in the lectures channel of the slack) and review this collections this collection of time piece from Cabinet Magazine). This project will be due in class on Thursday 18th October.
See the visualizing time class examples here.
How to submit:
- Make a blog post about your final project. Include screen shots or animated gifs. Your post must include a link to the project code published on OpenProcessing. Catagorize your post P2-VisualizingTime