Class projects (45%)
Class projects will be given every 3 weeks and will be graded. These projects will be given a grade:
- outstanding (A)
- high quality (B)
- satisfactory (C)
- being substandard or very late (D)
- incomplete (F).
Each is worth 15% of your final grade.
Your work must be outstanding to achieve a 5 and must reach the following standards:
- Technical: Code is functional and uses programming techniques appropriately, eg. object orientated programming where functions and objects are used to avoid repetition. Interaction design is considered so that the code operates as intended in a way that supports the underlying concept of the project (eg. details such mouse clicks or key press interactions are well designed). Code is clearly commented, referenced and formatted.
- Concept: Your response is inventive and you are exploring ideas and questions outside of the obvious and predictable. Your project may respond to historic ideas or practices of art or design, however exploring these questions or subject matter in new ways.
- Aesthetic: The project is visually/sonically well resolved. This does not necessarily mean that your work is beautiful, but it must show a careful consideration of aesthetic choices where close attention has been paid to details such as font choices, color palette and compositional rhythm. These elements relate to the concept and intention behind the work.
- Well documented: The post describing your project is well written, in sophisticated grammatically correct English. Your documentation shows project research and includes references to influences and research materials. It also includes appropriate visual/sonic materials documenting your work such as screenshots, GIFS or video material. It should clearly explain the intention behind your work to a non-expert audience. It should also include a link to the code on OpenProcessing or Github.
Final (25%)
The final project will be graded in two parts, the first is for the proposal milestone and then for the final project submission.
Research Posts (10%)
You will be allocated a 2 for the completion of each research post by the due date. If your post is incomplete or up to one week late your grade will be 1, if it is later than that, you will get a 0.
Class quizzes, class reflection (attendance, self reflection, tickets to leave) (20%)
- Two class quizzes will be given throughout term (10%)
- Your grade will be affected by absences as outlined in absence policy. This part of your grade is also contingent on completion of ticket to leave feedback messages, and self reflection exercises.