The New York Times has multiple APIs that allows the user to search through its articles, movie and book reviews, best seller lists, and top stories. The times tag and semantic_api can also be used to find metadata of an article. There does not seem to be an API that looks specifically look through videos, photographs, or other forms of media, such as the the New York Times podcast. With all of the data available within the New York Times, especially since it’s a new organization, the api would be helpful in finding certain topics or articles about specific events. There is a lot of potential to use the data to represent and engage the user with what is happening in the news, especially with the current political climate. If possible, there could be an api that connects with multiple news sites and compare the articles that are written for the same event, and looks specifically at the language used in the articles.
API: Chute
Chute is a visual marketing platform that allows users to search for media such as photos and videos that align with their marketing needs. Their developer API provides access to its services so developers can integrate the functionality of Chute with other applications. It enables developers to add media capture, management, metadata, and publishing to applications or websites. Even though this API allows users to access many media files, I believe the sources of the media files might not be accessible. It probably exists because Chute has to collect data about the media files but I don’t think users will be able to access the specific information about who posted the media file or through what kind of device it’s uploaded.
Examples of how you can use the Chute API include:
- Count the number of likes for media assets such as photos and videos.
- Explore photos and videos by location filters to see what’s trending in certain areas.
- Programmatically import media assets from websites and social media services such as Instagram.
Research Post 6
The API I chose to research would be Instagram. I chose this platform because it is a popular among young people and everyone nowadays uses instagram so I wanted to get more insight on their API. what I found when looking up instagram’s API I found that on their website it said that they are trying to improve the privacy of their app’s users because they feel like it will help be more safe and less invading. They proclaimed that they will soon stop allowing Instagram API platform in the upcoming years and will not continue to allow developers to do this. However for the mean time some stuff that they allow with the use of API is to help brands and advertisers understand how to manage their target audience and how to use soical media, they also help people get exposure and and share their content with 3rd party apps, and can lastly help the broadcasters and publishers get digital rights, and share media properly. the link above provides many different informations on how the API allows you to do certain things and what is allowed. The is super useful because when your in a sandbox mode, your API will behave a certain way because of that. The Data is restricted to sandbox users and there are rate limits. As Jack Burnham said API can be used as a form of art and that is what you can see in the instagram API since you can be a creator to create different forms of art.
Danna_Generative Landscape
I originally placed to do like a portal type loop of hearts however, my first plan did not work out exactly how I wanted it to so I went to further investigate on the different types of landscapes I could create to follow my theme of hearts but in a different way. So therefore my new idea was born! There are different hearts of different sizes of the color hot pink moving to the left. Some are going at a high speed, a speed that was not too fast or slow and then very slow hearts. I then thought what could make this more of a landscape now? The objects(characters) are moving with the direction of the hearts at a normal speed. I also added the powerful girls to make it seem like they are flying through the city with hearts all around fighting the villian. What I decided to name my project is Portal fight of Hearts!
link to project:
some images;
Sophie_Generative Landscape
For my generative landscape, I created an animation of a coral reef. I drew each object in the reef individually, but then found it more efficient to compile the objects into one drawing, still using the canvas background so I could add more things. Once the drawing was made, I messed around to arrive at what I hope to be the correct zoom/canvas size. The image is moving along, and as it gets to the end, another copy of it is displayed so that it looks like you are moving along a wide space. As it moves, you can see fish swimming by. The fish I didn’t draw myself, I found them on
There are some bubbles at the start, but because the bubbles are rising, I had trouble getting them to appear later on without floating up too soon. I tried using if statements so that they would only begin at a later point in the canvas, but am still working on this. I referred to these videos from Schiffman throughout:
For my generative landscape, I use Perlin noise function to create a nebula in the middle. In terms of the nebula, I took FlowField and StarField code from Danial Shiffman as a reference. It was originally starting at t random position, flowing around the screen randomly, and the edge, which makes the particles bound back instead of flowing outside the screen, is set as a rectangle. So, I change the starting point to the center, and change the bounding edge from a rectangle shape to a circle, and use a if function to make it bound back toward the center if it grows bigger than the confining circle, which gets larger according to the framecount. The color for the nebula changes depending on the distance of the particles and the center. I also add a MouseIsPressed function to make this project more interactive, so if you hold down the left mouse button, another color will shows. I use a secondary background for the nebula in order to preventing it being affected by the background for stars and fafafish. As for the stars and the fafafish, I firstly create them at a random position on the screen, and add a variable to make it originates at the center and looks more 3D. It moves faster as it gets closer to the front.
The difficulty I met for this project would be that controlling the color and the speed of each elements, especially the color and the speed of nebula, because these data are changed based on the distances between particles and the center. To solve this problem, I keep testing different numbers, and use pow or sqrt to make the date more precise.
Shiffman, Daniel
Generative Landscape
My generative landscape is one that has dinosaurs in the front and mountains moving in the back. I wasn’t really inspired by anything, I just really like dinosaurs so I figured it would be fun. I used a Perlin noise code to make the mountains, and I designed the dinosaurs and tree myself. I had some issues with my code, in the sense that it wouldn’t run when I made classes for my dinosaurs, so I have two links, one for my code, and another to see the actual landscape.
Code link:
Visual Link:
My landscape was initially inspired by Conway’s Game of Life, a mathematical algorithm that mimics the development of human populations, but then I realized that the code was extensively long and complicated that I couldn’t mimic it that well or creatively. So, I decided to branch off of that and do randomly generating patterns of white and black boxes, with the previous staying behind. However, when the two boxes clash together at the same spot, they cause a burst of red that is eventually covered by their boxes, as if these two are trying to hide their past conflicts by just trying to fight each other again. I’m not sure if this has an actual relevance between racial tension, but I think that the concept of it trying to hide its past mistakes is quite interesting. Here’s the link:
Generative Landscape-Harrison
For project 3 I put a lot of effort and time. To come up an idea of the generative landscape is hard at first. I had three totally different concepts at first. But they all failed when I take second consideration.
I first did the generative landscape of a simple prototype like this.
I used the example code of random buildings show up and changed the color and height of the buildings. I set the sky to be blue and the ground to be brown. And I also drew a sun and tree clouds. I used noise to make the clouds moving like there is wind. But I found out that this is way too ugly.
Then I remembered I took a very nice picture up berkeley hill last couple weeks. So I load the image into the program. And it turned out to be like this,
But somehow I feel like the building is not matchy to the background. So I tried to figure out what to put in front of the background image. I looked up online and found a nice png file of a skyline of Shanghai. I loaded the image in to the program.
Now it looks much better. But now I’m facing a problem which is I can’t get the image to move. I tried for loop and while loop. It just shows up at same time. I can’t make it to do a moving. Then I came up an idea to use a class first define the image and then use a function called moving to get this image to move. Finally, it’s moving and that’s called generative landscape.
I tried to upload the gif file of my program. But it failed. So here is the link of the program:
Generative Landscape
This generative landscape is in space with randomly generated stars, planets, and comets. A drifting astronaut floats through the universe and passes various objects. He passes two types of planets and two types of stars. Both planets scroll in from the right at random intervals at random speeds; one is red and one is blue. One of the types of stars constantly blinks in the background at random places, and the other type of star scrolls in at random intervals and speeds too. Occasionally, an asteroid will fly by as well.
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