
For my final project I have created a sketch with p5js that allows the user to view a tarot spread as a spread of approximated textual meanings. Firstly then user sets the tarot cards into their desired configuration. They can toggle the rotation of the cards the cards using the r key. Then they can toggle into flip mode, which allows them to click on the cards they placed to reveal them. The revealed cards can either be viewed with the faces of the tarot cards or as one word interpretations of each card. These interpretations are derived from Dariusk’s corpora json on tarot interpretations. Each interpretation of these cards is randomly  selected from a pool of 4 to 5. These different views can be toggled between with the m key.


The purpose of this piece is to capture a certain ambiguity and situationality in a reading of the tarot. Each tarot card, as Dariusk listed out, can be associated with certain words of concepts. However, can these words be used in lieu of the tarot cards themselves? Can they be read as if they were tarot cards if we put them in the same spread? The interpretations of the tarot card are situational. Does the fact that they are randomized but ultimately set diminish this point or convey it?

Openprocessing link:

Process Sketch:

Work Screen shots

work cited:

B. (2018, December 03). How to Read The Celtic Cross Tarot Spread. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from http://www.biddytarot.com/how-to-read-the-celtic-cross-tarot-spread/.
Kazemi, D. (2016, August 29). Corpora. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dariusk/corpora/master/data/divination/tarot_interpretations.json.
Knas, M. (2016, September 13). Kati Forner’s Take On Tarot Cards. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from https://trendland.com/kati-forners-take-on-tarot-cards/
Tarot Card Spreads. (2016, February 01). Retrieved December 10, 2018, from http://psychiclibrary.com/beyondBooks/tarot-card-spreads/
Tompsett, M. (n.d.). World Map Art. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from https://fineartamerica.com/art/world map

Final Post

My final project is a search engine for articles within this news API under the category of China. The initial problem I noticed about current search engines is that they simply leave all search results to users without giving them a more holistic understanding of individual articles and the entire issue at a glance. Though my project only addresses the problem to a small extent, it aims to analyze each search result generally and present data to readers in a more lively and interactive way.

When the user input a keyword onto the screen, it will be matched with articles with the same keywords. Those articles will be sorted out and each page corresponds to each article. On each page, the article’s snippet is split into words and placed randomly on the screen. At the center, there is a growing/shrinking flower. The number of petals is equal to the number of keywords of the article. Keywords are also displayed near each petal so that it is easy to get the gist of the article and see what other topics the article is related to. The topic of the article will be displayed at the top part of the screen. the color of topic line, snippet, petals, keyword and background are all dependent on the position of the mouse. In addition, the number of multimedia in each article is reflected through the number of dragon patterns on the screen.

Every time the user click on the next page button, the data displayed shifts from the previous article to a new one.

previous sketch:


final sketch:

link to Open Processing


CreateButton(). (n.d.). Retrieved from https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/createButton
CreateInput(). (n.d.). Retrieved from https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/createInput
Words. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://p5js.org/examples/typography-words.html
Gapminder Tools. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.gapminder.org/tools/#$chart-type=map
WorldPOTUS. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.accurat.it/works/worldpotus/


Final Project-Xi

My final project is originally inspired by the Mao project by Andy Warhol.

My project is designed to be imitate the Mao by Andy Warhol by adding more freedom for users to create different color and different composition of the portrait. Also I add more famous political figures. So basically the user can move the mouse to change the color of the portrait and when they feel like the color is perfect, they can press save, aka’s’ key to save the image.

Plus, if they want to combine the different colors, there are many layers for them to create. They can put a blue one over a red one then a green layer. So that they can create a unique color.

Then after saving the first DIY portrait they can change to next portrait by pressing the mouse.

Then they can create a new color for the new portrait and also save the new portrait and display on the canvas. Every portrait will update after a round.

At first I upload a lot of portraits of famous people, even include myself. But the overall style came out weird and inappropriate. So I decided to do all political figures. I researched for some controversial political figures. Each of them have different style and personality so that’s what makes the project interesting. I used the key typed function and mouse pressed function to get the function of saving and changing image.


working gif:

code website: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/638966


Andy Warhol’s Mao Series, 1972,https://www.masterworksfineart.com/educational-resources/andy-warhol/warhol-mao-series-1972/

Andy Warhol Marlyn Monroe, https://www.moma.org/collection/works/61240


Xi jinping,https://www.brookings.edu/interactives/chinas-new-politburo-standing-committee/

Poll: 87 percent of Russians approve of leader Vladimir Putin,https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/poll-87-percent-of-russians-approve-of-leader-vladimir-putin

Kim Jong-un’s secret Brazilian passport discovered,https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/kim-jong-un-brazil-passport-found-north-korea-leader-pyongyang-brazilian-found-a8232291.html

Donald Trump,http://www.stickpng.com/img/celebrities/politics/trump/donald-trump

Final project post

My project is an animation of eye blinking and a butterfly flapping wings inside of the eye. When the mouse is clicked, the eye would stop blinking and the tear would appear on the screen. This project is inspired by the idea of sometimes people walk into our lives and we build a relationship with them, whether it is a friendship or romantic relationship. For different reasons, these people may walk out of our lives someday and losing a relationship with a person can be really hard no matter what kind of relationshipit is. I took a picture of my eye when it is open and when it is close, and make the blinking effect by using the animation function in p5js. The reason why I chose to use a butterfly as one of the most important elements of my project is when people think of a butterfly, they often think of something that is beautiful and delicate. The relationship we build with others can be really beautiful and important to us, so I used butterfly as a representation of the relationship and when the relationship is gone, the butterfly flies away. Link to my code: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/642522


resources cited:

“10+ Times People Disappeared In Paintings.” Bored Panda, www.boredpanda.com/model-disappear-paintings-ben-heine/.”

“Soumen Roy https://www.indianartideas.in/artist/soumen-roy/3565”




I remember feeling a bit confused about the purpose of Cory ArcAngel’s Super Mario Clouds piece at the Whitney Museum. Because I forgot to read the description, it remained in my head as a bit of an oddity- a seemingly outdated relic. After seeing the short documentary that detailed the project’s purpose and claim, my skepticism grew. ArcAngel’s work was known as an open-source project that hacked into a game and deleted all elements of the game, besides the clouds. However, the documentary tests ArcAngel’s process and discovers that the Super Mario Clouds very obviously differs from the result of simply removing everything but the clouds. I think the additional research does change the work for me because ironically, the artist no longer seems credible.

Xia Research Post 8

I think the additional analysis on Super Mario Clouds actuallys adds a lot of context and depth to the artpiece. I feel like it calls authenticity into the question and whether or not the actual creation process and methodology is more or less important than the symbolic meaning behind an art piece.

When I first saw this Super Mario Clouds piece at the Whitney Museum, I didn’t think much of it, and I took it for granted that the piece was a genuine deconstruction of the Super Mario game. The clouds are pixelated and are almost identical to the original clouds, and the piece is displayed on an old, bulky tv connected to a retro gaming console. Nothing would lead you to think that this piece of art is anything other than it says it is.

However, after watching the documentary and getting a closer look at the comparison between Arcangel’s Super Mario Clouds and the original Super Mario Brothers game graphics, it becomes almost obvious to see that the two are slightly different. The tail shape of the cloud and the saturation of the color of the sky are both slightly different from the game and the art piece. Looking at the code also reveals that the art piece was created separately from the game.


  • This work, The Battle of Algiers, is an interactive work that uses a touch screen as the input and projects the scene onto a wall, as well. Without the directions, this exhibit would not have been able to stand alone. The system in which this exhibit worked was dependent on conflicts and accumulation of different cell groups. It was based on a film about Algerian nationalist struggle leading to independence from France. One of the artists, Marc Lafia, is focused on computation and algorithmic procedures as means of producing new structures of organizing images, as well as conveying emotion.


  • It took me a moment to comprehend what was happening in the motion of the panel, because of the lack of detail and lines. I thought it was a simple animation (running and falling), but I felt that the red and black color scheme suggested a deeper and slightly ominous message. The purpose of the work was to explore the composition of digital images through converting them into a matrix of LED lights. The artist, Jim Campbell shows that meaning can be portrayed through little information. His works with custom electronics were inspired by a theory developed by the engineer Harry Nyquist that dealt with converting analog into digital, and digital into analog.


  1. Creating a game, similar to the game “Hole io.”, but changing all the elements and concept.
  2. Creating a visualizing map by using existing bees API, and shows which area has the most bees left.
  3. Creating a rotating solar system, and if the mouse move to a specific position, the zodiac sign will be shown, and also more and more flower will be blooming when the mouse get closer to a zodiac sign.