Karen-P2-Visualizing Time

The arcs indicate each 15 minutes out of one hour.

The battery percentage indicates seconds out of 60 seconds.

The 12 bars represent 12 hours.

When it reaches midnight, the home button will become yellow. So it’s time for sleep haha:P

When it’s during the day(6AM-6PM),the sun image will be displayed at the centre of the screen. Otherwise a moon image will be displayed.



Ideas for Visualizing Time Project

  1. Use percentage of mobile phone to represent time, e.g. 50% represents noon, 75% represents 6pm, 0% represents midnight
  2. Three balls bouncing and colliding with each other, one represents wind, one represents temperature, one represents chance of rain, color varies with the value. they are inactive at night and active during the day
  3. Use volume level to represents time, volume will be shown on screen as waves
  4. Footstep count to represent time
  5. calories intakes



video link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/d8gip9eu6h0vvu4/world_potus_tablet.mp4?dl=0

Google News Lab

The artists transform countries into bubbles, bouncing around as the user switches from topic to topic and sticking to each other depending on additional information on search habits. To visualize the data, the artists make use of variables such as colour, size and position of bubbles. I found this art piece pretty interactive because the balls change size, colour and position based on how the data and topic change. And the transition is very smooth. Details of issues they are representing is left out or simplified by the visualization due to limited size of bubbles. Using visual elements to represent data, the artists need to prioritize both artistic effect and readability of data, because artistic effect determines how people perceive the image and readability of data determines how much information they can receive.

Variable Portrait

Variable Portrait


Static Face

My portrait depicts myself eating ramen and feeling blissful. I got this idea when I was hungry at one midnight.

As the mouse is pressed, number of noddles in the ramen bowl starts decreasing, shown by the fading yellow color inside the bowl.

As noddles start to enter the mouth, the yellow ellipse inside the mouth gets more yellowish, representing more noodles inside.

My face also grows fatter because I’m filling my stomach with calories.

Meanwhile, the blushing on my face starts to become more reddish, because ramen makes me feel warm.

When I am eating the ramen, my facial expression is changing constantly, with hair, brows and lips moving.

I encountered some difficulties when doing the work, such as specifying the coordinates of curves. The problem was solved after I started to use the curve tool on Creative Coding class website. In addition, at first I didn’t label the meaning of each sentences. So the codes were a bit messy. After labelling the sentences, I could identify their uses easily.

Generative Art Examples

According to Ten Questions Concerning Generative Computer Art, generative art is an art form produced by a “complex generative system involving many processes outside the direct control of artists, who are supposed to be the agents of production”. After reading the articles, I had new understandings of two art pieces created by LIA: Tentasho and Floralis Digitalis.

Tentasho is a procedural work by LIA that has two running modes: one is the interactive mode, when the user can control parameters of the art work through sliders on the interface; the other is the automated mode, when the art work autonomously explores the parameter space. Within the automated mode, the application can get rid of human control and make random artwork on its own. This interest me a lot because it helps illustrate a point mentioned in Ten Questions Concerning Generative Computer Art: generative system’s representation in potentia. The point is raised based on the fact that some generative systems have enormous numbers of potential variations. So “does the system represent this enormous range in some sense?” I think the authors are questioning the credit we should give these generative systems for creating marvelous art pieces, because randomness is embedded in the algorithms instead of intentionally designed by artists. So a machine can never be original because it needs human input of statistics and codes. Even without human input, such as the case in the automated mode of Tentasho, randomness can never be considered as equivalent to a machine making independent choices to create art. These two types of randomness are also discussed in the article, referred to as pure randomness and pseudo randomness (which means that “numbers are obtained by deterministic functions”). After all, without an independent mind, a machine cannot be original.

In addition, Floralis Digitalis is also a generative artwork created by LIA, who features flowers growing in quintessential algorithmic form. The art piece demonstrates how beauty is “proceduralized”. However, not all artworks can be proceduralized. In the Ten Questions Concerning Generative Computer Art, two definitions of art affect how art pieces are perceived. One definition of art makes it an object that is simply aesthetically appealing. The other definition makes it a product that is born within a social or cultural context, thus requiring conscious intent on the part of the artist. As such, an art work that are people oriented cannot simply be created through constructed algorithms.


Tentasho: http://www.liaworks.com/theprojects/tentasho/

Floralis Digitalis: http://www.liaworks.com/theprojects/floralis-digitalis/

Computational Artwork

The work was created by user Playgrdstar using p5.js. It is constantly changing its shape , angle, diameter and colour. It constitutes  shapes in different dimensions. The distortion  seems random as the shapes transit, but shapes before and after distortion are programmed to have specific characteristics. They look symmetrical from time to time.

This image fascinates me because it’s a combination of randomness and computation. The blob looks just like the view inside a kaleidoscope, or pinkish ink dropping in water unpredictably. But codes can actually take control of this randomness and make it predictable and measurable. I’m excited about what programmers can do to create ‘rational’ artworks.