Final Post

My final project is a search engine for articles within this news API under the category of China. The initial problem I noticed about current search engines is that they simply leave all search results to users without giving them a more holistic understanding of individual articles and the entire issue at a glance. Though my project only addresses the problem to a small extent, it aims to analyze each search result generally and present data to readers in a more lively and interactive way.

When the user input a keyword onto the screen, it will be matched with articles with the same keywords. Those articles will be sorted out and each page corresponds to each article. On each page, the article’s snippet is split into words and placed randomly on the screen. At the center, there is a growing/shrinking flower. The number of petals is equal to the number of keywords of the article. Keywords are also displayed near each petal so that it is easy to get the gist of the article and see what other topics the article is related to. The topic of the article will be displayed at the top part of the screen. the color of topic line, snippet, petals, keyword and background are all dependent on the position of the mouse. In addition, the number of multimedia in each article is reflected through the number of dragon patterns on the screen.

Every time the user click on the next page button, the data displayed shifts from the previous article to a new one.

previous sketch:


final sketch:

link to Open Processing


CreateButton(). (n.d.). Retrieved from
CreateInput(). (n.d.). Retrieved from
Words. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Gapminder Tools. (n.d.). Retrieved from$chart-type=map
WorldPOTUS. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Super Mario Clouds Research Post

Super Mario Clouds is an old Mario Brothers cartridge which the artist modified to erase everything but the clouds. The video quotes words from Michel Foucault: “A day will come when, by means of similitude relayed indefinitely along the length of a series, the image itself, along with the name it bears, will lose its identity.” This challenges the definition of authenticity in terms of art. The artist of Super Mario Clouds mentions that he did not touch the graphics from the original cartridge. So there is no generation loss and no “copying”, because he “did not even have to make a copy”. The color and shape of clouds are not exactly the same. This is interesting because it reminds people of Mario Brothers and yet is claimed to preserve its own originality.

This video documents the history of Super Mario Clouds and demonstrates the results of the video creator’s own attempt to “erase everything but the clouds,” a ROM hacking exercise that produces a different game altogether. 

The video reminds me to be always aware of my final project’s originality, while learning from similar projects as well. And I should always document my work truthfully so that people can gain an accurate understanding of my work.

Final Project Concepts

Concepts for final project:

1)personality test:

-click specific options, lead to different options consequently, finally has a personality profile based on a personality type jSon file

-probably use something funny to represent personalities e.g. animals

2)users write a story on their own:

-click different options to develop a storyline

-random options stored in json file

3)world map that categorizes the region of news article

-jSon file:

-zoom in certain region and you will see the specific news happening in that region

Research Post-Whitney Museum

Fin De Siecle II is a huge wall with a lot of screens on it. On the screens, there are broadcast TV programs, computational art and conceptual art playing concurrently. It attracted my attention because of its monumental size. I found it interesting because there are a lot of things going on at the same time on this screen. And although content varies from screen to screen, it looks harmonious as a whole. And it makes me curious about information and emotions conveyed on each screen. After visiting the museum, I researched on the artwork and found out that: the creator Nam June Paik liberates the moving images, which include close-up footage of David Bowie’s face and choreography performed by both a human dancer and the schematic outline of one, from their original contexts. The work reflects how programming saturates and shapes our world. In this case, programming is applied to media content. It helps to structure and transmit such content.

This artwork called Dance is created in 1979. When I saw it, I was attracted by its music and the movement of the dancers. Drawings on the floor are projected. And they reflect the movement of the dancers on the screen. They are colored based on design of each part. After visiting the exhibition, I did research on these works. They are choreographed by a five-part dance to a score written by Glass. The art piece is to show that there is something similar in terms of approaches by artists when they create art. This is insightful because usually creativity is considered as something subjective and unique. But in fact, there is something common among the creative art pieces.

Research Post 6

Twilio is a communication API that engages customers through a variety of platforms such as SMS, video, audio and WhatsApp. I use it for my competition prototype to connect customers and keep them updated. For example, Twilio can send customers messages and react based on their responses. As the articles suggested, the basic function of API is to bridge one piece of software to another. And the reactions will change as the data themselves are updated. The API let me access basic contact information of customers which are not open to public. Hence it helps to keep track of customers’ activities. And through the platform, several reaction processes are simplified into a few if statements.

other uses of Twilio:

Twilio Flex: contact center platform, integrate several platforms into one, so it’s more convenient to manage customers’ contact information

add more channels e.g. Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Slack, RCS business messaging

Karen-Generative Landscape

a link to my code:

My generative landscape project is about fishing near Brooklyn bridge. Cars move from left to right on the bright. Every time a car passes, another one will show up on the left side. Water waves are controlled by noise function. Fish are controlled by random function. I made classes for both fish and fishing net. Carousel light is also controlled by random function. And every fish missed will be laid out on the left side of the shore. Every fish caught will be turned into a money bag and laid out on the right side of the shore. If the number of fish missed reaches 10, game is over. If the number of fish caught reaches 10, the player wins the game! The result is printed.

(When I screenshot the gif, I need to make the dimension of the browser smaller. So the car is not exactly on the trail because it depends on the screen size. But if you open the code in browser with normal dimension, it should be landed on the trail:))

Geolocation Library

This library provides techniques for acquiring, watching, calculating, and geofencing user locations. Some of the functions are geoCheck(), getCurrentPosition(), watchPosition() and clearWatch().

An example of code making use of geo location:

var distance;

function setup(){

distance = calcGeoDistance(46.785844, -92.015965, 44.940834, -93.311287, ‘mi’)



This function calcGeoDistance calculates the distance between two coordinates. The last part ‘mi’ indicates units.

Research Post 4 for Random Shopper Project Made by Darius Kazemi

I became interested in a project called Random Shopper made by Darius Kazemi. It demonstrates random consumerism. It is basically an automated browser that helps users to purchase random things with a total of under $50. Users will not know what the purchased items are until they are shipped.

This project makes me think of some current clothing rental platforms e.g. Le Tote that make use of people’s obsession towards such randomness to rent random items out to users each month. A mail box containing random items will be shipped to users’ house based on their dressing preference. And users pay monthly rental fees for the service.

Similar projects like this make me think of more possibilities we may create in the future to make use of such randomness and people’s preference towards surprises than things that are fixed. This sense of out of control yet in control gets me interested.

Research Post 3 for Gray Area Festival

This is a very very interesting project because it basically introduces an idea of spending time with oneself, which I find it easy to relate to. But this project focuses more on the mentality that although we are alone, we want to be watched by someone else. While surveillance is out of control in this era, we demand to be seen by others and catch attention whenever we can. This app creates a conception that someone is following the user throughout the day. And at the end of the day, users will be captured in a picture taken by their “follower”. This project makes me reflect on our desire to gain more followers on social media. These followers are just like “followers” in this project. We don’t really care about who they are as long as they make us attention seekers.