Generate Landscape Ideas

  1. For this idea, I am planning to have a car going in the frame, and the background is the buildings, trees, and houses.


2. The second idea is kind of similar to the first one, but this one is a bear walking in the forest.


3. My last idea is the ocean, the fishes are swimming.

Research Post 4

Zach Lieberman

He is an American artist and computer programmer. His work focuses on computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and computer vision.

The Eyewriter


This is Zach Lieberman’s work the Eyewriter. It is an opensource hardware and software toolkit. This design helps people to draw things by only using their eyes. His team is working together to design a low-cost, open source eye-tracking system that allows ALS patient to draw using their eyes. Their long-term goal is to build a professional and social network of software developers, hardware hackers, urban projection artists and ALS patients from around the world who are using local materials and open source research to connect and make eye art creatively.


For this visualizing time project, I was planning to do the match burning idea. However, I have tried that one, but that one did not come out good and I did not know how to create the puff of smoke to represent the second either, so instead of using the smoke to represent the second, I made three math to each represents second, hour, and minute. When I run the code I first wrote, it is still ugly and looks terrible.

So I change my focus into a different idea instead. I decided to code three turtles one in each bar to make it looks like they are having a race. However, when I was coding the turtle. Some code went wrong, and it was a big mass of data to just draw a turtle, so I gave up on that and did the final one instead.

I have made three bars, each bar has different faces on it and what they present is different. The first bar is second, the second bar is minute, the third bar which has a face of Baymax represent the Hour. And the final one does look a lot better than the match one I did in the first place.

Yining-Project: Visualizing Time

This is my first idea. It is a match in a squared fame. There stick of the match are equally divided into 12 parts. The flame will start from the right tip of the match and it will move by hours towards the right side of the match and the stick will become black as the flame pass by. After the flame has reached the left tip of the match, it will move to the right like what it did at first but the only difference is that the stick will become the color(222,184,135) like what I set at first. So basically the only moving thing in the whole frame is the flame, and the stick is only changing the color.

This is my second idea. This is an apple tree; it appears as a bald tree(no apple), as the time grows (by hours), the apple will also grow on the tree. There will be 12 apples on the tree when it gets to 12 o’clock; however, once it gets to 13 o’clock, the apple will disappear one by one until it reaches 24 hours.

This is my third idea, and this one is similar to my second concept. This one is more delicate compared to my second idea. This is a 12-petal flower on grass. The petal will grow by hours, and also will drop one by one after 12 o’clock. Also, the sky color will change into different levels of blue every two hours.


The artist that I choose is Nathalie Miebach, and I choose her Sculptural Musical Scores.

I found it interesting that the artist has applied the music scores on art. The reason why I choose it is that I am also an instrument player. The one piece that I have picked from her collection is a piece called the Navigating Into A New Night. She has translated the weather data into the musical scores, which are later converted into sculptures as well as being a source of collaboration with musicians and composers. The works that she has done not only become an artwork but also could be played by musicians.

This is the interpretation of the score.



This project is called BIRD SPOTTER’S GUIDE TO AVIAN TITLED LITERATURE. 30 books are used for this design, and they are all hung as a flock in the central stairwell of the UTS Library. This installation intends to inspire the students, academics, and visitors to view the library as a space for play and discovery. The Bird in the title is representing the novel To Kill A Mocking Bird. The artist makes the simple metaphor, making the books look like birds. Then they extended the idea that of the flock is a body of knowledge.

Generative Face Project


In this project, I have three color variables and two variable of the eyes.  I was going to make the nose and mouth change too, but I was confused so I only make the eyes change. I used the Bezier curve tool to the hair, jawline, and the mouth. I also used the BeginShape curveVertex tool to draw the nose. I used the ellipse to draw the eyes. I only make the mouth red at first, and other lines are all black, then I make the hair, eyes, and nose to have changes in Color. If I have more time to work on this, I will add more variable in this project.

computational artwork

The artwork that I choose is called Heavenly, So Long! by a new media fine artist Yael Kanarek. This artwork is video displayed with and infinite duration. There are varies dimensions in the video. This artwork is a viral remix of a North Korean Army March.

