Final Project

Here’s the link to my project on OpenProcessing; I was having issues uploading gifs.

For my final project I chose to revamp my generative landscape project. I thought that my project felt a bit too rushed and it deserved more time to work on the details. Originally, I just used simple eclipses in code to represent the planets in my landscape, but it was too hard to draw and animate using only code. Instead, I drew out the individual frames for each of the planets in Adobe Illustrator and cycled through each of the frames like a gif. I also changed the plain, black background of space into a wallpaper of stars of various colors. I found this image online and uploaded it. These edits added much better graphics and more detail to the landscape. The added dynamic motion of the rotating planet animation also added to the overall project. In addition, the astronaut now floats into the frame from offscreen in the beginning. I feel like this adds to the immersive feel of the project because there is a clear starting point, instead immediately starting with the astronaut in the center. The final, large element that I added was a randomly occurring event where the astronaut floats past a large galaxy. I think that this also adds to the immersive feeling because more unique, interesting events are happening instead of just random objects.

Xia Research Post 8

I think the additional analysis on Super Mario Clouds actuallys adds a lot of context and depth to the artpiece. I feel like it calls authenticity into the question and whether or not the actual creation process and methodology is more or less important than the symbolic meaning behind an art piece.

When I first saw this Super Mario Clouds piece at the Whitney Museum, I didn’t think much of it, and I took it for granted that the piece was a genuine deconstruction of the Super Mario game. The clouds are pixelated and are almost identical to the original clouds, and the piece is displayed on an old, bulky tv connected to a retro gaming console. Nothing would lead you to think that this piece of art is anything other than it says it is.

However, after watching the documentary and getting a closer look at the comparison between Arcangel’s Super Mario Clouds and the original Super Mario Brothers game graphics, it becomes almost obvious to see that the two are slightly different. The tail shape of the cloud and the saturation of the color of the sky are both slightly different from the game and the art piece. Looking at the code also reveals that the art piece was created separately from the game.

Working With Data: APIs

Number of Astronauts

This sketch should generate a gif of an astronaut floating through space for each astronaut that is currently in space.


Final Project Ideas

  1. I could work more on my generative landscape project. It was probably my most rushed project, and I had more ideas that I wanted to implement. A lot of the ideas that I did include were not executed exactly as I wanted either. Ideally I’d like to be able to have more detailed planets, stars, and generated objects. They should also be randomly generated at different heights as well, rather than each be generated on their own line. More elements that I could add could be events like a meteor shower or galaxies that pass by. I could also load data from APIs in order to draw the International Space Station in different places according to the coordinate or generate a different number of astronauts according to how much are really in space right now.
  2. I think my word clock project could have had more of a creative element to it instead of me directly recreating it. It would be a more interesting if the words on the clock face were scrambled and every five minutes the words could rescramble into the order that would read out the time. This would be a pretty challenging project to tackle, and I think I would have to map out the movements of each word at each time in order to see how they move at any time of the day.

Research Post 7


1. Wall Drawing #289

The first work that I saw at the exhibit was Sol LeWitt’s Wall drawing #289. Being able to see this piece in person was definitely an interesting experience. The actual work that Sol LeWitt actually produced was just a set of instructions detailing how each line should be drawn, and the museum exhibiting the art is responsible for actually producing and creating the art. The length and angle of each line is completely up to the discretion of whoever is drawing the piece. I’d definitely be interested in seeing this piece in different museums and seeing how each of the exhibits differ. The first work that I saw at the exhibit was Sol LeWitt’s Wall drawing #289. Being able to see this piece in person was definitely an interesting experience. The actual work that Sol LeWitt actually produced was just a set of instructions detailing how each line should be drawn, and the museum exhibiting the art is responsible for actually producing and creating the art. The length and angle of each line is completely up to the discretion of whoever is drawing the piece. I’d definitely be interested in seeing this piece in different museums and seeing how each of the exhibits differ.


Another art piece that I saw at this exhibit was “Five Words in Green Neon.” I was really confused by this piece at first. My first reaction was to go look for and read the description of the art so that I could understand what it was supposed to mean. However, that plan was foiled when the only description provided was a mere repetition of the title, “Five Words in Green Neon.” Even though I didn’t understand the piece at first, I was still instantly attracted to it since it is extremely striking and stands out in the exhibit in person. The bright green neon lights just scream for attention and draw in the gaze of anyone in its vicinity.

To me, the purpose of undefined, raw art like this piece is so that anyone can derive a different meaning from it. I saw a juxtaposition of the almost gaudy, flashy neon lights and the natural, organic color of green.

Research Post 6

An API that is currently in use is the “People In Space API.” As the name implies, it is a simple API that returns the current, up-to-date data on the number of people in space right now along with their names and the names of the spacecrafts that they are on. It takes NASA’s data and and displays it in a simple programming interface. There is no input for this API. Data that has not been displayed in this API are the previous records on the number of people in space.

Generative Landscape

This generative landscape is in space with randomly generated stars, planets, and comets. A drifting astronaut floats through the universe and passes various objects. He passes two types of planets and two types of stars. Both planets scroll in from the right at random intervals at random speeds; one is red and one is blue. One of the types of stars constantly blinks in the background at random places, and the other type of star scrolls in at random intervals and speeds too. Occasionally, an asteroid will fly by as well.


p5.js Library:

This is a library used for the creation of games or playthings. has a Sprite class to control different objects in a 2D space. It does not use events and does not support 3D.

link to library:

link to example:


  1. A rocket travels through space and different celestial bodies are generated.
  2. A diver swims underwater and records the different aquatic life.
  3. Birdseye view of a landscape as the bird is flying and the landscape is changing.

P2 Visualizing Time

The idea of this clock was to read out the time as a sentence instead of as numbers. The clock is made up of a grid of different words used to describe time, and different words light up to read the time.