Final Project

1) My final project is titled “Food Quiz: What Food Should You Eat Today?” and is essentially a short multiple choice style quiz with different questions that lead to different answers. It’s a food quiz, so based on their responses to random questions, people end up with a food that they should eat or try. I implemented classes and return functions into this project to make it work similarly to the way a Buzfeed quiz works, which is where I got part of my inspiration from. I also took influence from the Instagram account goodfoodcrapdrawing when determining how what the quiz results would look like. Similar to that Instagram account, I drew the food I wanted to show, and used my drawings as the final results for when people finish the short quiz. I like food and I like keeping myself entertained, so this was something that could allow me to be entertained and look at food, which seems like a win-win situation.




4) Bibliography

Dominick, N. (2018, Dec 10). Everyone Has A 2018 Netflix Show That Matches Their Personality – Here’s Yours [Blog Post]. Retrieved from

n.a. n.d. goodfoodcrapdrawing [Blog Post]. Retrieved from


Generative Landscape

My generative landscape is one that has dinosaurs in the front and mountains moving in the back. I wasn’t really inspired by anything, I just really like dinosaurs so I figured it would be fun. I used a Perlin noise code to make the mountains, and I designed the dinosaurs and tree myself. I had some issues with my code, in the sense that it wouldn’t run when I made classes for my dinosaurs, so I have two links, one for my code, and another to see the actual landscape.

Code link:

Visual Link:


3 Concepts for Generative Landscape

Idea #1: Outer Space

There would be planets and asteroids floating around and maybe a rocket ship would pass by.

Idea #2: Dinosaurs

There would be dinosaurs walking around and eating plants, and a pterodactyl can fly by. Or a meteor could crash.

Idea #3: Ocean

There would be lots of fishes hanging around and then they swim away when a shark passes by.

Visualizing Time Project Outline

The passage of time will be shown by food being eaten over time. Every second a bite will be taken out of a food shown and every minute the food will reset.


  1. draw pizza
  2. draw bite circles
  3. repeat them so that they overlap the pizza
  4. make a circle appear every second
  5. reset circles every minute


Visualizing Time Project Ideas

1) Food: Every second, a bite is taken out of a food. Every second, a different food is shown. Every hour is a different meal/snack. The food shown will depend on the time of day. (i.e. pancakes, sandwich, steak, cake)

2) Water: Every second, a drop of water falls into a container. Every minute, that container’s water falls into a bigger container. Every hour, the bigger container fills up higher and higher with water and hits certain marks.

3) Sky: Every second, a plane moves in the sky. Every minute, the plane reaches the edge of the sky and leaves and restarts with every passing minute. Every hour, the sky changes color, pattern and weather. (i.e. blue, pink, dark, stars, cloudy)


Project: Variable Face


This portrait is of my guinea pig, Percy. When you move the mouse to where his butt is, his eyes turn white and he poops. This is because in real life, when you touch his butt, he gets really stressed out and you can see the whites of his eyes. Also, when he gets scared, he poops a lot. I encountered a few problems when making this. First, I had trouble making the poop appear and disappear, so I just made the poop white, and when the mouse was moved to where his butt is, the poop would turn black to give the illusion of it appearing. Other than this, everything turned out okay.



This generative art is by Marius Watz.

Marius Watz’s art is very bold and uses abstract shapes and colors. He makes software art as well as physical works. No two pieces of art are the same, which makes his work very unique, and the strong contrast of colors draws people’s eyes to this art. I especially like the first picture because it looks like a 3-D shape, but it’s actually countless triangles in different shapes and sizes which give the illusion of a 3-D piñata-looking shape. Watz’s art has shown up in multiple exhibitions and galleries, including ones in London, Vienna, and Sao Paulo, to name a few. The other two images depicted caught my attention because they look a little bit like tunnels. They are kind of similar at a glance, but when looked at carefully, you can see that they are actually pretty different. The red one has a lot of stripes and more than one color, which makes it contrast with itself. Meanwhile, the blue one doesn’t have as many stripes and has many shades of blue rather than different colors. Also, this tunnel looks a bit deeper than the red one, which is likely because it comes out a little bit more. This art is abstract, and simultaneously very mesmerizing.


Computational Artwork

Vera-Maria Glahn

I was interested in this person because it said that she was a designer for new media films, and I’m very interested in films and movies. When I saw her work, it was not at all what I expected but it caught my attention. Her artwork is very vibrant and colorful, which I like and it’s really fun to look at. Vera-Maria Glahn has made art and designs for Nike, Adidas, and Toyota among many other associations. I chose this particular piece of artwork because I think it captures the essence of this artist’s work and it’s very mesmerizing.