


OpenProcessing Link: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/642863 


In my final project, I create a solar system which is consisted of tons of cells. The main concept for my project is that everything is consisted of cells, and cells will end up in death and disappeared as flowers will wither finally. As you can see, each cells’ characteristic is actually inherited by their own mother planet. When the cells are propagating their children cells, their genes are inherited as well. If you spend more times watching these cells and play around with the flower interaction, you might notice that when every cells born from the same mother planets are dead, the flower won’t exist anymore. This express one of my main concept, each planets will finally end up with death, so no matter cells, flowers, or human beings are a very minute existence compare to the infinite universe.

For the interaction, player could place the red cross on each planet in order to see the name of each planet. If players would like to see every planet’s name showed at the same time, they could randomly press any key on keyboard. The reason I drew a red cross is that for reminding players to play with the planets.  If the mouse is pressed once, each planets will become cells, and starts propagating or dying. If the mouse is pressed again, the flowers will show in their mother planets’ positions, and the corresponding cells will start moving toward the flower. I make this effect in order to let the flower be like a sort of gravity, which make each cells fall to them.

In terms of the difficulties or challenging parts of this project, I would say that making each variables or assigning data to be used in different class is the most challenging part. I met several times that my codes didn’t work, the most of the time the bug is that the data is not caught correctly before using it.  However, during each debugging process, TA helps me a lot, and  we  always came up with some more interesting ideas for my project, and I feel the sense of achievement and accomplishment one I debug successfully.


draft_1 draft_2 draft_3 draft_4 draft_5 draft_6 draft_7




Shiffman, D. Solar System in Processing –Part 1-3. (2016, May). Retrieved from https://thecodingtrain.com/CodingChallenges/009-solarsystemgenerator3d-texture.

Yan, Z. VIZA626 Generative Art — Project 1: Color Cell. (2013, Sep. 02). Retrieved from http://woshiyanzhao.blogspot.com/2013/09/viza626-generative-art-project-1-color.html.


When I first saw this video installation in the Whitney Museum of American Art, I didn’t pay a lot of attention it, because I thought it’s just an artwork showing one iconic element in Super Mario. I didn’t even take a look at the description, but I did take a photo of it. What firstly surprises me is that this is actually not made by Ninetndo but Cory Arcangel, who describes Super Mario Clouds as “an old Mario Brothers cartridge which I modified to erase everything but the clouds.” In order to create this cloud, he hacked Nintendo’s NES game console and manipulated both hardware and software. To me, I don’t think it’s a hacking process. Especially after watching the video “Everything but the Clouds” by Patrick LeMieux, I see a slightly difference between this two version clouds. They just seem similar based on their image, but if you look deep into their process, you can’t actually tell these two are the same thing. Lastly, I would say that this is a kind of artwork by a remixing process.


  1. Creating a game, similar to the game “Hole io.”, but changing all the elements and concept.
  2. Creating a visualizing map by using existing bees API, and shows which area has the most bees left.
  3. Creating a rotating solar system, and if the mouse move to a specific position, the zodiac sign will be shown, and also more and more flower will be blooming when the mouse get closer to a zodiac sign.


CodeProfiles was made with Java program, created by W. Bradford Paley. It shows the difference of how the code is worked among people, programmers, and computers. At the beginning, I walk forward to this work because I noticed that there are many people standing and staring at this screen, and I’m wondering what makes them feel so fascinated. Shortly after, I became one of the crowds. Some people are asking whether these randomly moving lines are caused by the bug, and some just can’t move their eyes away from the moving lines. There are actually three points in this code space. The amber line shows how code is read people. The white line, which is my favorite one, indicates the programmer’s thoughts. Lastly, the green line shows where the code was executed tons of times and where the processor rarely visited. To me, this work draws a connection between three entities, which would never thought about each other’s way of running a code.

“Sine Curve Man, 1967” is created by the collaboration between Charles Csurl and programmer James Shaffer. It’s one of the most complex computer-generated images. C and S explained that to create this work “a picture of a man was placed in the memory of an IBM 7094, and mathematical strategies were then applied to the original data.” This works catch my attention mainly because of blurry facial features. At the first glance, I though I would need to move forward and get closer in order to see the facial features. After I get closer, what I see are bunch of shifting lines. These lines are transformed by code, drawing the man by repeatedly vertically shifting x and y values and drawing on top of each other. I feel that this work shows how the computer can shorten the gap between artist and scientist by using underlying scientific concepts to create physical reality.


The “International Space Station Pass Times” is an API that  tells you the next n number of times that the international space station (ISS), which is an orbital outpost, will be overhead. The required inputs for this API include the number of passes to return, a latitude, longitude, and the altitude of the place to predict passes. The definition of overhead here is 10 degree in elevation for the observer. After coputing, the API will returns a list of timestamp, which are the upcoming ISS passing for a specific location in JSON format, with the duration in seconds. However, the times will be less accurate as time pass because of the unpredictability of the orbit of ISS decay, but the information is enough to compute pass times for several weeks.





For my generative landscape, I use Perlin noise function to create a nebula in the middle. In terms of the nebula, I took FlowField and StarField code from Danial Shiffman as a reference. It was originally starting at t random position, flowing around the screen randomly, and the edge, which makes the particles bound back instead of flowing outside the screen, is set as a rectangle. So, I change the starting point to the center, and change the bounding edge from a rectangle shape to a circle, and use a if function to make it bound back toward the center if it grows bigger than the confining circle, which gets larger according to the framecount. The color for the nebula changes depending on the distance of the particles and the center. I also add a MouseIsPressed function to make this project more interactive, so if you hold down the left mouse button, another color will shows. I use a secondary background for the nebula in order to preventing it being affected by the background for stars and fafafish. As for the stars and the fafafish, I firstly create them at a random position on the screen, and add a variable to make it originates at the center and looks more 3D. It moves faster as it gets closer to the front.

The difficulty I met for this project would be that controlling the color and the speed of each elements, especially the color and the speed of nebula, because these data are changed based on the distances between particles and the center. To solve this problem, I keep testing different numbers, and use pow or sqrt to make the date more precise.

Link: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/623516


Shiffman, Daniel  https://github.com/CodingTrain/website/find/master



The p5.Particle is a library which adds particle support to p5.js, created by Robert Cock. The Particle object, which is simply a data definition, and the Fountain object, which encapsulates all the needed properties for creating Particle, can be used to create data-driven effects. In this library, all particles that are defined in the parent Fountain has a common properties, such as gravity. It is easy for user to add per-particle properties, such as color. When a Particle’s “location” is greater than the canvas height, “life” is greater than or equal to one, or “partSize” is less than 0.1 or 3, the Particle will be deallocated.

Library Link: https://github.com/bobcgausa/cook-js#how-does-this-work

Code Example: http://jsfiddle.net/bobcook/rLvhc8h2/

This example shows generating pattern with rate.




  1. Tv will appears different static noise (white noise) when rabbit is walking behind (Vib Ribbon). Vib Ribbon intro and tutorial
  2. A slowly rotating galaxy, and different zodiac sign will display at different location.
  3. A nebula will appear in the center of the screen, and gets larger and larger, as you are moving toward it.


link: https://vimeo.com/135073747 

In Zach Lieberman’s Eyeo Talk 2015, he talks a lot about “lines” which can be understood as a poet or codes.  He starts with talking about what lines mean to his father, and how does this world of papers and drawings interact on the computer and how to take artist’s working with lines and drawing and take their ideas or what they means in digitally and on the computer.to him, drawing is a set of angle changes, rather than a set of points of connecting dots. Every line is actually curves changing in angle, and lines can be anything. This makes me start to think about the angles and the relationship. He says that he is always at the intersection with drawing and codes, because computer can do many thing that people can’t do on paper.

One of the interesting small project, or a tool, he mentioned at the end is about using codes to make a drawing based on their picture. He always think about what line means. To him, he always thinks about geo lines, such as code, but to his father, lines are what people says, such as poets. This tool is a combination of what lines mean to him and his father. He goes to people’s talk, writes down what they said, and uses C++ to write a code which portraits their face based on their picture only through lines. He says what people said while showing the lines of their pictures, which means he shows some lines and says some lines.

Kasper_Lauren McCarthy’s Post

Link: http://lauren-mccarthy.com/The-Changing-Room

This project is named The Changing Room, which is a smart home controlling your feelings and cares your emotions. The Changing Room is intended to make everyone to feel the emotion as intensely as possible. As you enter the main space, you will be asked the following question, “Do you want to feel?”, and you can select the emotion that you want to experience. The selected emotion will be evoked in the second floor through a series of positions and contortions of your body. After this, you will be picking a sound or voice, and instructed to adapt yourself to “share your feelings”, “calm down”, or “express more joy” according to the selected sound. I found this project interesting because, in this custom software installation, participants are able to feel different kind of emotion, such as fear or confusion, and leave with a sense of curiosity. Because of the technology, performance or exhibition can be more computational, and participants can enjoy more interaction and involvement with the environment.