JiYoung_Final Project

My final project was inspired by my daily commute on the monorail of my hometown (Daegu, South Korea). It showcases places I regularly visited, landmarks, and the train I took “moving” through the landscape. I focused my project on the aesthetic more than its functions, because I wanted to make the project personal through making all of the assets by hand, through Adobe Illustrator, with a drawing tablet.

I started by brainstorming the locations I wanted to include in my sketch by looking through pictures I had taken at certain places in Daegu. Based on that, I compiled a list of feasible locations to draw and arranged them generally by location based on the Daegu subway map. After a few days of work, I completed the illustrations, exported them as pngs, and brought them into openprocessing. I decided to keep the subway stationery in the center and move the background image to show movement. I included a forloop to loop the image to make a continuous landscape.

Initially, I wanted to use a weather API to change the background colors (the sky) based on the temperature and the sunset/sunrise times. I made a separate openprocessing document to include the api. After getting data from the weather api, I used if statements to determine the colors, which I picked from Warhol’s sunset print collection. Generally, I went with warm colors for hot weather and cool colors for cold weather. After that, I added the code to the landscape animation, but the sketch would not load or disappear when I included the background changes, so I had to leave the weather segment out to present a functioning project.


Warhol, A. (1972). Untitled from Sunset. [Screenprint on Paper].

Lee, H. (2016). Seoulite [Album Cover]. YG Entertainment.


I remember feeling a bit confused about the purpose of Cory ArcAngel’s Super Mario Clouds piece at the Whitney Museum. Because I forgot to read the description, it remained in my head as a bit of an oddity- a seemingly outdated relic. After seeing the short documentary that detailed the project’s purpose and claim, my skepticism grew. ArcAngel’s work was known as an open-source project that hacked into a game and deleted all elements of the game, besides the clouds. However, the documentary tests ArcAngel’s process and discovers that the Super Mario Clouds very obviously differs from the result of simply removing everything but the clouds. I think the additional research does change the work for me because ironically, the artist no longer seems credible.


  • This work, The Battle of Algiers, is an interactive work that uses a touch screen as the input and projects the scene onto a wall, as well. Without the directions, this exhibit would not have been able to stand alone. The system in which this exhibit worked was dependent on conflicts and accumulation of different cell groups. It was based on a film about Algerian nationalist struggle leading to independence from France. One of the artists, Marc Lafia, is focused on computation and algorithmic procedures as means of producing new structures of organizing images, as well as conveying emotion.


  • It took me a moment to comprehend what was happening in the motion of the panel, because of the lack of detail and lines. I thought it was a simple animation (running and falling), but I felt that the red and black color scheme suggested a deeper and slightly ominous message. The purpose of the work was to explore the composition of digital images through converting them into a matrix of LED lights. The artist, Jim Campbell shows that meaning can be portrayed through little information. His works with custom electronics were inspired by a theory developed by the engineer Harry Nyquist that dealt with converting analog into digital, and digital into analog.


The City Bikes API is used to find information about bike share systems, such as the available bikes, available docks, quotes, and passes. Usage fees are charged with passes, and possible tax rates that a specific bike could be charged. It is possible to get the location of a single bike or station as well, and the information for a bike system, such as an ID or access key. The data extends beyond 400 cities around the world and it’s open to public use. This data can be used for research, projects, or creating apps, and it is used by developers, companies, and cyclists.

Generative Landscape (Outer space)


My project is a generative, abstract depiction of outer space. I used an array created by a for loop to display the lines moving up the window. I drew the planets, rocket, and ufo from my phone, converted it into a transparent png by deleting the background in Photoshop, and imported them into my sketch. Then, to make them move, I created classes for each object with a move() and a show() function to generate the their random movements on the screen.

I ran into several problems during the process of my project. Firstly, I had problems getting my lines and my images to move, which was solved with use of classes and reference to the previous raindrop catching exercise. I also had a hard time getting the colors to show correctly with the random lines, but I decided to do without the colored lines because I preferred the minimal grayscale look. Additionally, I had more illustrations I wanted to add to my project but they began to slow down the loading of the entire project, so I omitted some elements as well.

JiYoung_ResearchPost05 (p5bots)

P5bots is a library aids interaction between (p5js) browsers and microcontrollers like the Arduino Unos, as well as anything else running Firmata. It was created by Sarah Groff- Palermo as a part of the Google Summer of Code 2015 project. Through this library, users can draw with buttons and control motors from the browser.  p5bots is made of two sets of files: the client file, called p5bots.js, which is included in the index; and the server files, called p5bots-server. A project that uses this library is “Singing the p5js Blues.” It is a browser window is controlled by an Arduino Uno, and values are taken from a slider before being mapped to the notes in a scale on the browser.

  • Link to the Project: “Singing the p5js Blues”- https://youtu.be/ODSCQRi6kyQ
  • Link to the library- https://github.com/sarahgp/p5bots



One of Lauren McCarthy’s projects was called Follower. It was used by people who wanted to be followed in real life, rather than online, for a day, by a stranger. The objective was for people to share things with people by sight, rather than having to converse and touch base with somebody. The users were people who want a relationship but with somebody who they never have to talk to that can just follow them and see what they were doing. It was intended to be fun for the person being followed but also give a new experience for the follower, and could positively impact them. The users signed up by filling a form, then if they were selected, they had access to an app.

After a follower started following the user, they would be notified.

At the end of the day, the app would notify the user that they were no longer being followed with a picture taken of them during the day by their follower in the background.

Visualizing Time Project

For my visualizing time project, I was inspired by tides and ocean currents. The purple color represents the hours, the teal color represents the minutes, and the light blue represents seconds. I had some difficulties making waves that moved with the time, so my first try involved rectangles:

After some help, I was able to add waves with fill underneath to represent different times of the day.  The wave that represents seconds moves the oscillates most rapidly. The wave that represents minutes is slower than the seconds wave. The hours wave is the slowest wave. As time goes on the “current” rises, then falls at the repeat of its respective time interval.

Below: 3:40PM

Between 9PM and 4AM, the background color and image change to represent nighttime.

Below: 2:33AM

Code in OpenProcessing (doesnt have the background image): https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/609529

Planning for Visualizing Time Project

Draw Circle as background

Create sine wave class- parameters:

  • Call this class in Draw function for seconds, minutes, hours.
  • Calculate the sine waves- different sizes for increments of time
  • Fill under the wave- different colors/transparencies for different increments of time

Add numbers at bottom of the frame- jumbled/”at the bottom of the sea”

Add marine life.