Visualizing Time Project

  1. My 1st clock concept is to replace the needle on the watch by little balls. So on the watch there are three little balls. Each ball represents the second, minute and hour.
  2. My 2nd clock concept is make a swinging ball and count how many times has it swing. It swing once per second. There is a screen on the top of the equipment and shows the number that the ball swings.
  3. The third one is a step. A ball would climb up one step per minute and fall down again after 60 minutes.


I chose the example of Guillame-Thomas Raynal’s Histoire des deux Indes. First it may be confusing and hard to understand. But after I read the process of the creation it became easy to read. It actually visualises changes, additions and deletions in the text at multiple scales. So you have a clear sense of the information that this project conveys.


Bird Calls, July 15, 11:02 am – 11:15am
Watercolor and Bristol paper,
14”x17”, 2015

Nathalie Miebach created the project in 2015.She used various mark making systems to capture the sounds. So in this project, the data is the sound that she heard around her. And she used paper or some sort of soft material and cut them into different shapes. Then she used these materials to convey the sound that she heard based on her own imagination and thoughts.

The result is this very new body in which collages are used as sound maps to track the direction and quality of sounds found in different environments.

Variable Faces

My variable faces project was inspired by an abstract painting on the internet. I think the line and the stroke can compose bizarre patterns and shapes. So I changed the original sketch to more abstract way.

Computational artwork

These pictures above were created by ROZ DIMON. I found them really impressive and innovative. I used to shoot photos in the dark and have someone hold the light and move randomly to created photos with blank background and strings in the middle. But Roz did it differently and boldly. His pictures are more detailed and really do have shapes. After digital production and computational revise. You can actually see the layer of the object in the photos. And that’s what makes his artwork so extraordinary and intriguing. There are also more meanings behind the pictures. As he states, the social problem is what the picture trying to reflect.