Final Project-Xi

My final project is originally inspired by the Mao project by Andy Warhol.

My project is designed to be imitate the Mao by Andy Warhol by adding more freedom for users to create different color and different composition of the portrait. Also I add more famous political figures. So basically the user can move the mouse to change the color of the portrait and when they feel like the color is perfect, they can press save, aka’s’ key to save the image.

Plus, if they want to combine the different colors, there are many layers for them to create. They can put a blue one over a red one then a green layer. So that they can create a unique color.

Then after saving the first DIY portrait they can change to next portrait by pressing the mouse.

Then they can create a new color for the new portrait and also save the new portrait and display on the canvas. Every portrait will update after a round.

At first I upload a lot of portraits of famous people, even include myself. But the overall style came out weird and inappropriate. So I decided to do all political figures. I researched for some controversial political figures. Each of them have different style and personality so that’s what makes the project interesting. I used the key typed function and mouse pressed function to get the function of saving and changing image.


working gif:

code website:


Andy Warhol’s Mao Series, 1972,

Andy Warhol Marlyn Monroe,


Xi jinping,

Poll: 87 percent of Russians approve of leader Vladimir Putin,

Kim Jong-un’s secret Brazilian passport discovered,

Donald Trump,

Ideas for final project

The first idea is to finalize my visualizing time project. I want to make the project to be more beautiful and appealing.

The second idea is to upgrade my generative landscape project, adding different cities into the project.

The third idea is that to come up with a whole new project using the API from the classes we learnt.

Harrison-Research Post 07

The first project that attracts my attention is this tv-like project. The blue light is very eye-catching. So I read the description and found out something very interesting. I actually feel kind of dizzy when I look into the frame. There is an object in that tv that I can’t tell the what exactly is it. But the movement that Earl Reiback designed is innovative and amazing.

The second project is actually very familiar to me. The first time I saw this project was at MOMA in San Francisco. The arrangement of the light bulbs and the dark background can make you feel like the space is shrinking. To be honest, I was shocked by this project first time I saw it. When you gentlely walk into the space, you can feel that the world is become closer. It’s an amazing experience.

Harrison-Research Post 6

APIXU is a API platform that provides datas like real-time weather, weather forecast, historical weather forecast, astronomy, time zone, location data and so on. All the data can be accessed by using city name, zip code, latitude and longitude, ip address and so on. The data base is powerful and accurate. It has a high availability of data. The weather API requires more cause the data type is changing all the time. The API has to keep updated instantly and simultaneously. The data source can be accessed easily. You can use the APIXU by type in city’s name. Or you can type in airport code. Or you can even use auto IP detection.


The conditions:

Generative Landscape-Harrison

For project 3 I put a lot of effort and time. To come up an idea of the generative landscape is hard at first. I had three totally different concepts at first. But they all failed when I take second consideration.

I first did the generative landscape of a simple prototype like this. 

I used the example code of random buildings show up and changed the color and height of the buildings. I set the sky to be blue and the ground to be brown. And I also drew a sun and tree clouds. I used noise to make the clouds moving like there is wind.  But I found out that this is way too ugly.

Then I remembered I took a very nice picture up berkeley hill last couple weeks. So I load the image into the program. And it turned out to be like this, 

But somehow I feel like the building is not matchy to the background. So I tried to figure out what to put in front of the background image. I looked up online and found a nice png file of a skyline of  Shanghai. I loaded the image in to the program. 

Now it looks much better. But now I’m facing a problem which is I can’t get the image to move. I tried for loop and while loop. It just shows up at same time. I can’t make it to do a moving. Then I came up an idea to use a class first define the image and then use a function called moving to get this image to move. Finally, it’s moving and that’s called generative landscape.


I tried to upload the gif file of my program. But it failed. So here is the link of the program:

Research Post 05

The subject I chose from the p5 library is the This is a javascript mostly for animation. It provides classes for the object in 2D spaces. It doesn’t support 3D and events. But it is simple and easy to use. All in all it is really helpful for those people who want to make animation using javascript.

some interesting examples:

Research Post-4

Hyphen-Labs is a project that tests immersive, computationally-driven, large scale installations that combine conceptual art, design and science. The video talks about their co-collaboration and the use of emerging technology in their recent projects, highlighting themes of privacy and surveillance through the lens of speculative design, objects, neuroscience, architecture and virtual reality. The founders of this project is Carmen and Ece. It’s really innovative for them to come up with this idea doing the VR project. But their creative process is also interesting.

First is the timeline of their process and we can tell they started the project since college. So it’s a very long process and they all took serious thoughts before commit to this project. They are both college students when they start to do this project and this needs a lot courage and brave. I really do respect that. The risk that they would take is really big and challenging.

Nowadays the VR technology has become more and more mature. More and more people are getting used to the VR technology. I remember the first time I bought the VR gear. It was basically a protocol the pictures are loss and blurred. All in all, not a satisfying experience. But after seeing the improvement of Hyphen-Labs. I can tell what is different and new. That must be a brand new feeling.

random project concept

  1. My first concept is to draw a 2d landscape outline with random shapes of buildings. 
  2. My second concept is to place random circles and dots on the canvas to create some certain shapes.
  3. Create random lines attached to each other and form into a map of an imaginary city.

Lauren McCarthy Proj

This project that McCarthy invented is a smart wearable device. It can detect your emotion and heartbeat when you meet people and tell you who could be your friends. This device is definitely innovative. It helps people to cut the meaningless social time and make it more effective and accurate to make friends. It really can save us some time so that we can use those time to do other things. This device is a perfect example of combining physical and psychological function.

Visualizing time

I made to triangle structure. The left one represents the second and the right one represents the minute. The little ball will swing every second and every minute. The color of this equipment will change the strength according to the hour. So when the hour become bigger, the color will be stronger. The reason why I chose the green and red is because these two color is most obvious. I used second(),minute(),hour() and also object to complete this project. It may looks simple but it did covered a lot of the skills of processing.

Visualizing time project by Harrison Jiang: