
For my final project I have created a sketch with p5js that allows the user to view a tarot spread as a spread of approximated textual meanings. Firstly then user sets the tarot cards into their desired configuration. They can toggle the rotation of the cards the cards using the r key. Then they can toggle into flip mode, which allows them to click on the cards they placed to reveal them. The revealed cards can either be viewed with the faces of the tarot cards or as one word interpretations of each card. These interpretations are derived from Dariusk’s corpora json on tarot interpretations. Each interpretation of these cards is randomly  selected from a pool of 4 to 5. These different views can be toggled between with the m key.


The purpose of this piece is to capture a certain ambiguity and situationality in a reading of the tarot. Each tarot card, as Dariusk listed out, can be associated with certain words of concepts. However, can these words be used in lieu of the tarot cards themselves? Can they be read as if they were tarot cards if we put them in the same spread? The interpretations of the tarot card are situational. Does the fact that they are randomized but ultimately set diminish this point or convey it?

Openprocessing link:

Process Sketch:

Work Screen shots

work cited:

B. (2018, December 03). How to Read The Celtic Cross Tarot Spread. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from http://www.biddytarot.com/how-to-read-the-celtic-cross-tarot-spread/.
Kazemi, D. (2016, August 29). Corpora. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dariusk/corpora/master/data/divination/tarot_interpretations.json.
Knas, M. (2016, September 13). Kati Forner’s Take On Tarot Cards. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from https://trendland.com/kati-forners-take-on-tarot-cards/
Tarot Card Spreads. (2016, February 01). Retrieved December 10, 2018, from http://psychiclibrary.com/beyondBooks/tarot-card-spreads/
Tompsett, M. (n.d.). World Map Art. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from https://fineartamerica.com/art/world map

Research post 8

Super Mario Clouds is a work of art, created by Cory Arcangel that depicted the clouds from Super Mario Brothers scrolling across the screen. As Cory Arcangel claimed, these clouds have been unaltered and merely isolated from all the other sprites through hacking into a cartridge of Super Mario Brothers. However, this claim has been disputed by Patrick leMieux, who argues that the clouds in Super Mario Clouds are not authentically from the video game.


With the evidence he presents, he makes a pretty pressing case against the authenticity in Super Mario Clouds. It’s immediately apparent from the differing shapes in the clouds, but reinforced when taking apart the data behind the renders. If so, I believe that it undermines the value of Archangels work. As he intended, the point he makes to accentuate the iconicness of these clouds should still stand, as it is their general form that is required to make the point as he wished to. However, when I saw this, it wasn’t that point that made it memorable to me. I wasn’t able to identify the clouds as specifically coming from Super Mario Brothers, so it didn’t seem like a very strong point to me. Rather it was he fact that they were elicited from a NES cartridge that piqued my interest. There was a certain Pop Art appeal to it, as leMieux identified. However, unlike cans of soup or cracker boxes, Super Mario Clouds have been recreated and remixed over and over again, so without the authenticity, nothing really separates this art from sprite sheets on google images.

I find the reproduction leMieux made to be quite interesting. He’s able to subvert the meaning in Super Mario Clouds to create a work that demonstrates the immovable presence of certain elements such as money in our ideals.

Final project Ideas

1. I’d like to rework the rain game into a bullet hell type game, wherein the objective is to collect the falling sprites is reversed to create damaging projectiles as well as enemies to confront with your own damaging projectiles. This piece will implement most items as classes. It will require image assets to be imported.

2. I’d like to combine the generative landscape project and the visualizing time project to create an animated version of the cover of the Great Gatsby with the eyes changing with time as in the visualizing time project with a reworked style, and the city scape scrolling below. This may require image assets for the details of the buildings.

3. I’d like to track the passage of a train through a subway station with the figures standing along the platform. The sketch will take data from the subway schedule. Overtime the figures will shift position. This will require an API with the live data on subway arrivals.

Research Post 7

Super Mario Clouds by Cory Arcangel is a piece that, as it’s title suggests, depicts the clouds from the NES game Super Mario Brothers. Arcangel created this piece by hacking into a cartridge for Super Mario Brothers and removing elements from the game until all that was left was the clouds. Released in 1985 Super Mario Brothers was and continues to be one of, if no the, most iconic video game, and instantly recognizable to many. Therefore Arcangel thought to experiment with its recognizability by removing pieces of it to see if people would still be able to identify that it was indeed Super Mario Brothers.

I felt like I should have been able to recognize that it was Super Mario Brothers, but when I first saw it on the museum it’s identity eluded me. I was able to tell that it had an aesthetic rooted in Super Mario Brothers or retro video games in general, but I didn’t realize that it was exactly the clouds from Super Mario Brothers. Rather I thought it was a piece simply trying to capture the aesthetic of classic video games, an aesthetic largely defined by Super Mario Brothers, but with certain degrees of separation.

Magnet TV by Nam June Paik is a piece that depicts the distortion of television signals. The piece consists of a tv, receiving a satellite signal to depict an image, with a magnet on top. The magnet will distort the signal to the tv, thereby contorting the image on the television. The shape of the contortion can be changed by moving the magnet. This piece was created as a subversion of two concepts when it was created in 1965. The first was that the television signal was all powerful and infallible. The second was that art was static. Allegedly, one could interact with the piece and move the magnet to change the image.


I first interpreted the piece as primarily featuring the body of the television itself as a sculpture akin to Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain. It was only until after I read the sign that I realized the focus of the artwork was on the image in the television. I wish I could have interacted with it like the sign suggested people once could.  

Research Post 6

“Current Location of the International Space Station” is an API that, as the name suggests,  provides the user with access to information on the location of the international station. The object contains a timestamp for when the information was collected and a location object with the longitude and latitudes of the space station. The data for the API is relayed from the NORAD and NASA databases and verified using “Two Line Element.” This API can be used to potentially map out the path of the International Space Station and determine relative position from the user, to get a sense of scope for this celestial machine. The API, unfortunately does not have information on the altitude of international space station, which is a piece of relevant information I imagine exists


Link to API: http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json


Link to page: http://open-notify.org/Open-Notify-API/ISS-Location-Now/

Generative Landscape

For my generative landscape I created a scrolling horizon of a military graveyard. As the screen scrolls two horizons lines moving at different speeds scroll past the screen. These horizon lines are shaped and shaded in accordance to noise. As the horizon lines move grave markers along them move with them. These grave markers are generated at random intervals with a random tilt. Between the grave markers are pale ghostly silhouettes of soldiers, generated at random intervals. As the scene scrolls by red flower petals fall in at random from the right, bouncing in accordance to noise and randomly varying in size and shape. The design of this project takes inspiration from John McCrae’s poem “In Flanders Field.”

“In Flanders Field”: https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/flanders-fields

Link to code: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/619829

Research Post 5

The GUI library for p5.js is a library by Martin Schneider designed to add a GUI with items that the user can interact with to adjust elements of an image to a processing code. GUI items that this library can add include sliders, text bars, and drop down menus. These items can be interacted with to change elements including but not limited to form, color, and position.

A GUI is created with the createGui() function. To add items to theGUI, the gui.addGlobals() function is used.

An example of a work done with this library would be this sketch of pac man created by Martin Schneider himself. In this work, the user can change the color of pac man with a color wheel and the size of pac man’s mouth with a slider.

Library: https://github.com/bitcraftlab/p5.gui

Example: https://bitcraftlab.github.io/p5.gui/examples/pacman/

Generative Landscape Ideas

  1. A scrolling horizon of tombstones that randomly vary in distance as they scroll across littered with trees that are drawn as they scroll and part at random
  2. A scrolling horizon of smokestacks that randomly vary in distance as they scroll across the smoke from the smoke stacks and the clouds below are drawn at random.
  3. A scrolling horizon of clouds that are drawn randomly with Zeppelins diving in and out of them with random color and distance and bobbing in a random order.

Research Post 4

Joanie Lemercier is a French Artist who works primarily with projections. His body of work involves many projects that project light onto objects of images with animation that gives the otherwise unremarkable subject vibrant effects or elements. What he projects the light onto can vary from architecture to two dimensional drawings. To create the distinct figures over the edges and surfaces of the objects, the projection is refined to laser point accuracy. Much of his work takes inspiration from nature. To gather input, he travels frequently to search out natural vistas. He has also embarked on projects to capture and generate the natural landscapes he observes through digital art, and has experimented extensively with computer generated topography.


In 2013 Lemercier created the piece Fuji as part of a concentration on volcanoes. The piece features rippling light effects that guide the audience as if they were walking through a bamboo forest to the majestic mountain. To create this piece, Lemercier first generated the projection. Afterwards, he traced the static outline into a corner as an ink drawing. The context of this piece alludes to the myth of Kaguya-hime and calls upon the beauty of Mount Fuji.

Visualizing time

For this project I visualized time through a pair of eyes. Throughout the day, base on the hour the eyelids will open wider approaching noon and narrower away from noon. Likewise based on the hour and minute, the eye bags under the eyes will grow darker approaching midnight and lighter away from midnight. With the passing of minutes every hour, the pupils will move across the eye. On even hours it moves from left to right and on odd hours it moves from right to left. Every 3 seconds the eyes will blink.

Link: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/609503

The biggest difficulty I had in this project was finding a way to animate the blinking. I needed a way to store how much the eye would close for each frame within the function while keeping track of which way it was going. In the end I had to use a boolean variable in addition to the integer height variable to keep track if the eye was moving down for the blink or moving back up.