Final Project



For my final Project I decided to make a game where you can jump and attack the cat and the bird that comes toward it. The dog shoots out bones to hit the enemies that are running toward it. The dog only has 5 lives so when he uses up all his lives he has to restart the game all over again. I made a background that represents like a park because that is usually where dogs go so I made it so that the animasl is in the city park. When you first enter the game it will say start game and you click on the screen and when you lose it will show a screen saying gameover. You have to press x to throw the bones and space to jump.


This is my sketch that I started with of my dog I wanted to add this specific one because although I revised the idea I still made my dog jump. as I went on I then made it move and made some sprites for the animation. It took a while to try to get the position of the dog ready but I give credit to this tutprial for helping me this dog I did not make it exactly the same since I changed the color a bit to not make it exactly the same. This was just a guide for me to make a simple and cute dog for my work. also for the life bar that is what I started with and developed it.


Tues 23rd and Thurs 25th


Research Post 8- Super Mario

When first seeing Cory ArcAngel’s Super Mario Clouds piece, I first was like okay this is just a piece of software that was already made for an old game and it was changed and motified by Arcangel. What more can there be to something that anyone who has the tools to do it does it? well after watching the short documentary on this project, It made me think a bit differently about ArcAngel’s work and the meaning of it. This type of work that has been done for Super Mario Clouds piece is not just hacking it is more than that it is an exploration that brings you to problem solving, engineering, and creativity, and there for has be come a a form of art. It inspired many others to follow this sort of art that allows people to be creative and make many different things which makes these types of work sound cool and amazing because you can use something that was already made whether it is old or new and do something more with it. I really like video games and it is cool to find out that these types of things can be concerned pop art.

Generating three concepts

The ideas that I have came up with that could be my final project would be:

  • There would be a house that the animated dog would be. Everytime you click on the dog, it will move and walk around. The dog will also be able to eat if you make it eat or jump if you command it to do so.
  • A mini story game where you can have two options and then at the end depending on that option you will get an outcome.
  • A room where if you move the mouse it will show either night time or day.

Research Post – Programmed Rules


Casey Reas is one of the artist that caught my eye when looking around. My eyes were drawn to her work and I could not stop looking at it. I did not get a chance to take a picture of her art but I did get to take a picture of the information about the art so here is an image from the internet of the work to get a better picture of what it is. She made this by using JavaScript in the 2016 version, I am assuming since it mentions that. Her work was sparked by Sol LeWitt’s concept of the idea that “a machine that makes art” by showing that it’s always true for the software art. Casey executes the earlier drawing of LeWitt’s wall drawings through programming.

 Jim Campbell’sAmbiguous Icon” was made by using LED lights that creates an image when you look at it. The colors of the lights are red and the darker ones make it seem as if it is black or a very dark color that cast the shadows of the image to make it more defined and create that imagery that it does in the piece. This caught my eye because I have never seen anything like this in person before and it seem like a very unqiue piece that captaures a scene of something. It was one of the most flashy things that I have seen in the gallery and pretty unforgettable. I felt remembering Campbell’s work and admiring every second of me staring at it. 



Research Post 6

The API I chose to research would be Instagram. I chose this platform because it is a popular among young people and everyone nowadays uses instagram so I wanted to get more insight on their API. what I found when looking up instagram’s API I found that on their website it said that they are trying to improve the privacy of their app’s users because they feel like it will help be more safe and less invading. They proclaimed that they will soon stop allowing Instagram API platform in the upcoming years and will not continue to allow developers to do this. However for the mean time some stuff that they allow with the use of API is to help brands and advertisers understand how to manage their target audience and how to use soical media, they also help people get exposure and and share their content with 3rd party apps, and can lastly help the broadcasters and publishers get digital rights, and share media properly. the link above provides many different informations on how the API allows you to do certain things and what is allowed. The is super useful because when your in a sandbox mode, your API will behave a certain way because of that. The Data is restricted to sandbox users and there are rate limits. As Jack Burnham said API can be used as a form of art and that is what you can see in the instagram API since you can be a creator to create different forms of art.


Danna_Generative Landscape

I originally placed to do like a portal type loop of hearts however, my first plan did not work out exactly how I wanted it to so I went to further investigate on the different types of landscapes I could create to follow my theme of hearts but in a different way. So therefore my new idea was born! There are different hearts of different sizes of the color hot pink moving to the left. Some are going at a high speed, a speed that was not too fast or slow and then very slow hearts. I then thought what could make this more of a landscape now?  The objects(characters) are moving with the direction of the hearts at a normal speed. I also added the powerful girls to make it seem like they are flying through the city with hearts all around fighting the villian. What I decided to name my project is Portal fight of Hearts!

link to project:

some images;



Perlin Noise

Tues 23rd and Thurs 25th

Research Post 05

The p5js library that I chose to talk about in this post was, as described it “sprites, animations, input and collision functions for games and gamelike applications” and the created of this code library was Paolo Pedercini. When looking around the website I saw many cool animations that he has created one particular game that was interesting was called, “everyday the same dream” (link: When you play you are a husband who wakes up to go to work everyday. It is like the daily life type game and you find out that the main character is always late for work and gets called out for it by his wife and boss at work.

here are some images:

Generative Landscape three ideas

  1. A person walking through a museum passing by differnet paintings and perhaps other stuff?
  2. A cruise in the ocean moving slowly. The water and sky will be a beautiful representation of a lanscape.
  3. Inspired by the powerpuff girls, the consistant heart that keeps forming over and over again. Different things like items and maybe the powerpuff may appear on the screen.

Extra Ideas:


Lauren Mccarthy’s talk- Research Post 3

Lauren Mccarthy a artist and programmer. She focuses on the different human interactions and how the world around us affects our social relationships. In her talk at the 2017 Gray Area Festival she introduces a project that she and others worked on. Basically it is a watch that is connected to an app which allows you to determine and notice how you feel around others around you. The app will tell you if you are feeling stress, sad, happy or any other emotions around the people you see everyday. If the person makes you unhappy then you can take actions into account to delete the person. This project is to help people see and know their cause of emotions so that they can improve their mental health and have a positive life style. The name of the product is pplkpr. 

Here are some images of the project