Crystal Chen P2-visualizing time


The central idea of my clock is to use the change of color to present passing time. The top, thinnest arc presents seconds; it goes through every color per minute. The middle arc presents minutes, which goes through all the color per hour. And the bottom arc presents hours, going through all the color per day (24 hours). The change of their color is in the same order of colors of rainbow.

Here’s my rainbow at different time.

At 4:37:01 AM                                                                                                                                    

8:37:16AM   12:37:16 PM

04:05:38 PM


Nowadays, the most common way to present time is by using digits, so I was thinking about what can also be presented by digits, and this is how I came up with my idea to use color presenting time.

The most difficult part of this project is how to code the change of color. I did a research on RGB colors of a rainbow, and summarized a pattern as shown in the picture below (my draft). At different phases of time, each element of RGB color have different values, and they may be changing or fixed. So in my coding, I use boolean to separate each phase, and if statements to control the value of element of colors.


visualizing time project plan

  1. draw the two clouds under rainbow
    • create a function of clouds with arc()
    • fill the shapes with beginShape(), endShape()
  2. draw the rainbow
    • each rainbow will be arcs.
    • curves’ shapes are fixed, while colors changes over time. So build variables for their color. Add function that sets color (use arrays or for loop to set the changing color for curves.)
    • have three rainbow with different weights presenting second, minute and hour.
  3. check to see if the change of color corresponds to time.

here’s my sketch

Visualizing time project brief

1.My first “clock” is consist of three different sandglass. The left one in the picture presents seconds, the sand in the sandglass will drop once every seconds. And it will not drop like regular sandglass but fly from bottom to top as if time is going back. The middle one will be a regular sandglass presenting minutes. The sand in it will drop when a minute passed. The right one presents the hour, and like the left one, the sand will fly from bottom to top. The sand flies when an hour is passed.

2. My second “clock” looks like a rainbow, and it will show the passing of time by changing its color at different rate. The thinnest section presents the seconds, and the inner section presents hours. While time passing, the color of each section will change from red to violet and go back to red. For instance, when the color of thinnest section goes back to red from violet, it means one second has passed; when the color of innermost section goes back to red, it means an hour has gone.

3.The third “clock” represents time by three running animals. The top one is a rabbit who runs through the track every second, the middle one is a penguin who jumps forward once per minutes, and the bottom is a turtle who move once an hour. When they finish the track, they will all go back to staring point which is the left side of the track and start over.


Exhibition Title:  ‘Unlikely Avian Taxonomies’
Designers:          Zoë Sadokierski and Kate Sweetapple.

In this project, Zoe and Kate categorized birds in 5 new taxonomies based on their names, and visualized the data of two taxonomies. Their research method is called exploratory data mining. They tried to find birds name with potential to be visualized, reading through more than 31,500 birds names.

First taxonomy are birds with “spots” or “stripes” in their name. Designers cut out several “birds” from a piece of paper, and put this paper on the other paper that has spots or stripes on it. As a result, it looks like birds with spots or stripes on their body.

The second taxonomy are birds with color in their names. They ended up with 3,442 birds categorised under 87 different colors. In order to visually display the data, they tried several ways: dots of different color, names in different color, and a pie chat to show the amount of birds.

here’s the link of their project:


My idea of this portrait was inspired by a character in a cartoon called Chibi Maruko-chan. Here’s a picture of the character.

The portrait is a boy with a big head and neat hair. His hair, eyes, nose, and mouth varies randomly. When the eyes curve down, he shows a smile face; when the eyes curve up, he shows his beard like an old man, and sometimes he open his mouth as if he is surprised by something.

The problem I encountered was how to show the hair, and make changes to it. In order to show as many line (hair) as possible, I chose to use for loop, and I can also use least amount of variables to change all the hair.

If I had more time, I would love to add more facial expression, and also add ears or arms.


Here’s two pictures of generative art by Tom Beddard.

The project produces different surface detail. It seems like the pictures appears in biology book. One would believe this comes from nature life. The hue of these pictures are pretty much the same; however, the details are so different. Through this project, I agree that art does not limited to handmade; it can also be made by machine. Since the code contains variables that changes randomly, the result is unique. No one can predict the detail of machine’s work; we can only design the outline. I think it is very cool to produce art by both human and computer, because random variables may create results that one would never think about.

Computational Artwork

This artwork is a web-based dynamic model called In the Air. It shows the components of the air which people cannot see through raw eyes. People can also learn about the chemical or physical change of the air.

This is very new to me, since the air is invisible. The only way I feel the air is through the wind; however, the air is necessary for human. We always say:” I need some air,” but we barely know about the air pollution. Since this project shows the real pollen and diseases in the air, I believe that audiences will realize how grave the atmospheric pollution is through the project. As a result, I chose this artwork to support the idea of protecting our environment.