Final Project

Here’s the link to my project on OpenProcessing; I was having issues uploading gifs.

For my final project I chose to revamp my generative landscape project. I thought that my project felt a bit too rushed and it deserved more time to work on the details. Originally, I just used simple eclipses in code to represent the planets in my landscape, but it was too hard to draw and animate using only code. Instead, I drew out the individual frames for each of the planets in Adobe Illustrator and cycled through each of the frames like a gif. I also changed the plain, black background of space into a wallpaper of stars of various colors. I found this image online and uploaded it. These edits added much better graphics and more detail to the landscape. The added dynamic motion of the rotating planet animation also added to the overall project. In addition, the astronaut now floats into the frame from offscreen in the beginning. I feel like this adds to the immersive feel of the project because there is a clear starting point, instead immediately starting with the astronaut in the center. The final, large element that I added was a randomly occurring event where the astronaut floats past a large galaxy. I think that this also adds to the immersive feeling because more unique, interesting events are happening instead of just random objects.