Final Post

My final project is a search engine for articles within this news API under the category of China. The initial problem I noticed about current search engines is that they simply leave all search results to users without giving them a more holistic understanding of individual articles and the entire issue at a glance. Though my project only addresses the problem to a small extent, it aims to analyze each search result generally and present data to readers in a more lively and interactive way.

When the user input a keyword onto the screen, it will be matched with articles with the same keywords. Those articles will be sorted out and each page corresponds to each article. On each page, the article’s snippet is split into words and placed randomly on the screen. At the center, there is a growing/shrinking flower. The number of petals is equal to the number of keywords of the article. Keywords are also displayed near each petal so that it is easy to get the gist of the article and see what other topics the article is related to. The topic of the article will be displayed at the top part of the screen. the color of topic line, snippet, petals, keyword and background are all dependent on the position of the mouse. In addition, the number of multimedia in each article is reflected through the number of dragon patterns on the screen.

Every time the user click on the next page button, the data displayed shifts from the previous article to a new one.

previous sketch:


final sketch:

link to Open Processing


CreateButton(). (n.d.). Retrieved from
CreateInput(). (n.d.). Retrieved from
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