Research Post 8- Super Mario

When first seeing Cory ArcAngel’s Super Mario Clouds piece, I first was like okay this is just a piece of software that was already made for an old game and it was changed and motified by Arcangel. What more can there be to something that anyone who has the tools to do it does it? well after watching the short documentary on this project, It made me think a bit differently about ArcAngel’s work and the meaning of it. This type of work that has been done for Super Mario Clouds piece is not just hacking it is more than that it is an exploration that brings you to problem solving, engineering, and creativity, and there for has be come a a form of art. It inspired many others to follow this sort of art that allows people to be creative and make many different things which makes these types of work sound cool and amazing because you can use something that was already made whether it is old or new and do something more with it. I really like video games and it is cool to find out that these types of things can be concerned pop art.