CodeProfiles was made with Java program, created by W. Bradford Paley. It shows the difference of how the code is worked among people, programmers, and computers. At the beginning, I walk forward to this work because I noticed that there are many people standing and staring at this screen, and I’m wondering what makes them feel so fascinated. Shortly after, I became one of the crowds. Some people are asking whether these randomly moving lines are caused by the bug, and some just can’t move their eyes away from the moving lines. There are actually three points in this code space. The amber line shows how code is read people. The white line, which is my favorite one, indicates the programmer’s thoughts. Lastly, the green line shows where the code was executed tons of times and where the processor rarely visited. To me, this work draws a connection between three entities, which would never thought about each other’s way of running a code.
“Sine Curve Man, 1967” is created by the collaboration between Charles Csurl and programmer James Shaffer. It’s one of the most complex computer-generated images. C and S explained that to create this work “a picture of a man was placed in the memory of an IBM 7094, and mathematical strategies were then applied to the original data.” This works catch my attention mainly because of blurry facial features. At the first glance, I though I would need to move forward and get closer in order to see the facial features. After I get closer, what I see are bunch of shifting lines. These lines are transformed by code, drawing the man by repeatedly vertically shifting x and y values and drawing on top of each other. I feel that this work shows how the computer can shorten the gap between artist and scientist by using underlying scientific concepts to create physical reality.
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