
Final Project Ideas

  1. Variable Face Project – I can build on my existing variable face project by adding a weather API. I can change my figure’s clothings according to the weather. I can also give new outfits and have new accessaries. I’m also planning on organizing my code and add some animated objects to it. Many computer programmers have been using weather API to make weather application, but not a lot of them use it to make art. But I did find a data visualization of weather at this website:
  2. Generative Landscape – I can build another generative landscape using the WEBGL 3D library. This library is very important because it allows me to add dimension to my figures instead of just having a flat 2D canvas, but it’s very challenging, since it involves a lot of planning and sketching. I’ll have to imagine everything in 3D. Instead of having figurative figures, I want to make this landscape more abstract. I want to use dots and lines, rather than actually filled shapes. I also want to combine that with the time project so the landscape changes with the time. I’m inspired by Fletcher Bach’s computational art work. He works with 3D terrains and uses lines and points to form him arts.
  3. text/image – I want to load an images from famous movie scenes that have nice color schemes. But instead of displaying the image, I want to display text from the script/lines, and display each character as different colors, according to the color of the pixel at that position. I thinking about something like this but instead of having separate pixels, I want to have small text in the color of the pixel instead. I’ll have to use a function to break down the image into pixels and have a grid and store characters in each grid. If time allows, I also want to make use a video, or it something animated. I will probably need to use p5.dom.js and the loadpixel() function.
  4. distortion – I want to make a still pattern/image with lines or pixels. Moving the mouse across the screen will distort the pattern and move the lines around. Depending on where the mouse is, there will be different sounds played and different special effects showing. When the image/pattern is distorted enough, the screen will refresh into a new pattern. I’m planning on coding 3 or 4 patterns with different themes. I’m inspired by and other pixelated art works.