Research Post – Programmed Rules


Casey Reas is one of the artist that caught my eye when looking around. My eyes were drawn to her work and I could not stop looking at it. I did not get a chance to take a picture of her art but I did get to take a picture of the information about the art so here is an image from the internet of the work to get a better picture of what it is. She made this by using JavaScript in the 2016 version, I am assuming since it mentions that. Her work was sparked by Sol LeWitt’s concept of the idea that “a machine that makes art” by showing that it’s always true for the software art. Casey executes the earlier drawing of LeWitt’s wall drawings through programming.

 Jim Campbell’sAmbiguous Icon” was made by using LED lights that creates an image when you look at it. The colors of the lights are red and the darker ones make it seem as if it is black or a very dark color that cast the shadows of the image to make it more defined and create that imagery that it does in the piece. This caught my eye because I have never seen anything like this in person before and it seem like a very unqiue piece that captaures a scene of something. It was one of the most flashy things that I have seen in the gallery and pretty unforgettable. I felt remembering Campbell’s work and admiring every second of me staring at it.