a link to my code: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/621410
My generative landscape project is about fishing near Brooklyn bridge. Cars move from left to right on the bright. Every time a car passes, another one will show up on the left side. Water waves are controlled by noise function. Fish are controlled by random function. I made classes for both fish and fishing net. Carousel light is also controlled by random function. And every fish missed will be laid out on the left side of the shore. Every fish caught will be turned into a money bag and laid out on the right side of the shore. If the number of fish missed reaches 10, game is over. If the number of fish caught reaches 10, the player wins the game! The result is printed.
(When I screenshot the gif, I need to make the dimension of the browser smaller. So the car is not exactly on the trail because it depends on the screen size. But if you open the code in browser with normal dimension, it should be landed on the trail:))
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