Generative Landscape-Harrison

For project 3 I put a lot of effort and time. To come up an idea of the generative landscape is hard at first. I had three totally different concepts at first. But they all failed when I take second consideration.

I first did the generative landscape of a simple prototype like this. 

I used the example code of random buildings show up and changed the color and height of the buildings. I set the sky to be blue and the ground to be brown. And I also drew a sun and tree clouds. I used noise to make the clouds moving like there is wind.  But I found out that this is way too ugly.

Then I remembered I took a very nice picture up berkeley hill last couple weeks. So I load the image into the program. And it turned out to be like this, 

But somehow I feel like the building is not matchy to the background. So I tried to figure out what to put in front of the background image. I looked up online and found a nice png file of a skyline of  Shanghai. I loaded the image in to the program. 

Now it looks much better. But now I’m facing a problem which is I can’t get the image to move. I tried for loop and while loop. It just shows up at same time. I can’t make it to do a moving. Then I came up an idea to use a class first define the image and then use a function called moving to get this image to move. Finally, it’s moving and that’s called generative landscape.


I tried to upload the gif file of my program. But it failed. So here is the link of the program: