My generative landscape was inspired by the “landscape” we see everyday as we scroll on our phones. Social media is a great way for ideas and news to spread, but it can also be manipulated to spread misinformation. With exposure to so much information, it can be hard to find truth in all of the noise, especially with headlines and click baits trying to generate a response from us. But if we don’t pause to actually read and/or check what scrolls down our screens, we would be losing out on everything that can’t be categorized as just black or white(or red, pink and blue in this case).
I used Facebook’s interface and reactions as part of my landscape. The post itself is drawn using code but the like/comment/share part of the post as well as the reactions and phone are imported images. The post’s color matches the most clicked reaction of the post, which could be either like, love or anger(blue, pink or red respectively). The shade of the color will become brighter and bolder as more posts scroll down, representing the escalation of emotions. with each post, the right side of the screen will also have that reaction pop up, visually counting how many of each reaction had been seen so far. Once the colors of the posts gets to maximum brightness, it starts over at white.
There could be some improvements to my current code. My original idea also included a variety of posts, such as “video” and picture posts, instead of having just word posts. The posts also would end up overlapping each other, since the code is running through the same list of posts, which has their y-position messed up as time passes. (But I think this adds to the chaos/overwhelming feeling of endless scrolling). I could also have the post’s reaction be less “random” and be based off of what previous reactions were(ex. a lot of angry reactions in a row, then transitioning into like before love). I also could have make the reactions on the right side of the phone animate or move in some way.
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