Eyeo Talk – ResearchPost4

Jason Salavon is an artist whose medium is primarily computational data and algorithms. His own designs analyzes a wide variety of communal material, such as art, media, and places, that have some form of irregular similarity, and then blend them together into shifting images that become more generalized and more typical of the common things seen in everyday life. He has his own custom software that typically overlay a multitude of photos, which then averages the visual results into an artistic composition, or takes in processed media into various layouts. Essentially, Salavon seeks out individual elements of highly diverse visual culture and determines hidden norms that could link together a relationship between groups and individuals. He presents a different perspective to things that are commonplace, thus making the material interesting again.

<Color> Wheel is a data composition piece that reorganizes thousands of images from search engine data that has been received by queries for color terms. The software produces a standard, tertiary ROYGBV color wheel made up of the search result images recorded based on their dominant color. An expansive color wheel produces a different lens to look through search engine data, from the regular to the more amoral information being requested by users.