
Robert Hodgins is a creative coder. He uses tools in animation and computer graphics to depict many real life concepts in physics and astronomy. He has a piece called Planet Earth; where he uses 3 nested spheres that show earth, clouds, and the atmosphere. This project developed into a deeply detailed depiction. Nasa lended him textures to uses to depict these in high resolution. The ocean is lighted differently to show its reflectiveness. It uses city lights as a texture to show populations in different areas of the world. These kinds of texture uses combine to show a highly realistic depiction of earth and its surrounding area. For the atmosphere texture- he used help from Sean O’Neil’s display of atmospheric differences in air pressure. Shadows behind clouds (using a mask) help show the difference in location of the clouds and earth. Glow and coloring from the sunrises and sunsets also shows the space between it and the earth. This project is a great way to help wrap our brains around the bigger picture of earth using accurate, small details to build it.