Research Post 4 for Random Shopper Project Made by Darius Kazemi

I became interested in a project called Random Shopper made by Darius Kazemi. It demonstrates random consumerism. It is basically an automated browser that helps users to purchase random things with a total of under $50. Users will not know what the purchased items are until they are shipped.

This project makes me think of some current clothing rental platforms e.g. Le Tote that make use of people’s obsession towards such randomness to rent random items out to users each month. A mail box containing random items will be shipped to users’ house based on their dressing preference. And users pay monthly rental fees for the service.

Similar projects like this make me think of more possibilities we may create in the future to make use of such randomness and people’s preference towards surprises than things that are fixed. This sense of out of control yet in control gets me interested.