
link: https://vimeo.com/135073747 

In Zach Lieberman’s Eyeo Talk 2015, he talks a lot about “lines” which can be understood as a poet or codes.  He starts with talking about what lines mean to his father, and how does this world of papers and drawings interact on the computer and how to take artist’s working with lines and drawing and take their ideas or what they means in digitally and on the computer.to him, drawing is a set of angle changes, rather than a set of points of connecting dots. Every line is actually curves changing in angle, and lines can be anything. This makes me start to think about the angles and the relationship. He says that he is always at the intersection with drawing and codes, because computer can do many thing that people can’t do on paper.

One of the interesting small project, or a tool, he mentioned at the end is about using codes to make a drawing based on their picture. He always think about what line means. To him, he always thinks about geo lines, such as code, but to his father, lines are what people says, such as poets. This tool is a combination of what lines mean to him and his father. He goes to people’s talk, writes down what they said, and uses C++ to write a code which portraits their face based on their picture only through lines. He says what people said while showing the lines of their pictures, which means he shows some lines and says some lines.