Research Post4-Eyeo

Artist: Mimi Onuoha

Project: Pathway

As part of the 2014-15 Fulbright-National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellowship, Pathways was created by data researcher and artist Mimi Onuoha. In this project, she collected a month-worth’s geolocation data and message metadata from four groups of Londoner, including a family, a couple, roommates and three co-workers. All the data was collected between November 2014 and April 2015. The aim is to use mobile data to see how common relationship can be reflected by digital data. For example, co-workers were wondering if their friendship was just about work or if it extended beyond that, and they wanted to know if they cans see this on the data. Roommates were about to leave each other, and they want to see how Goodbye looks like on their data. The data of family was gathered before and after 2 weeks of birth of their first child, so the data was about a new person coming into the world. And the couple was in a long-distance relationship, so Mimi collected their social metadata about how and when they contact with each other, as if the data was telling their love stories.

here’s pictures of some data.