In the video, Lauren McCathy talks about the story of people following each other in the society and what she learned from this action. Her projects like the App called pplkpr are very interesting to me. The purpose of this App is to track, analyze, and auto-manage people’s relationships. It uses data to show who makes us happy and who makes us angry, and choose the better person to hang out or to block for us. In my opinion, the central idea of this App is to monitor our emotions and thus make our decisions more objective. This idea is very thought provoking. During the speech she mentioned ”it feels weird, it feels wrong, but what if a computer can actually make better decisions than you can?” This questions reminds me that people always have hard time to manage their relationship with others. Sometime we jus cannot realize or do not want to face our real feelings. It is always an outsider or bystander who know what is really going on, what kind of person we are socialize with. Perhaps it is extremely difficult for us to be objective when deal with our own emotions. So I would love to try the app and see how objective I have been.