Visualizing Time Ideas

  1. A landscape starting with the sun rising along the horizon and as time passes by, moves through the sky along an arc and changes from yellow to gray, similar to the sun and the moon in real life. At around noon, the sun would be at its highest point. At around dusk, it would begin to shift colors as it returns to the horizon.
  2. Having a solar system as a clock. The sun would be in the middle and there would be three planets along the outer orbits, representing the hours, minutes, and seconds hands. The planets would move at the rate at which time is passing along their orbits, such as the seconds planet would be moving the fastest.
  3. A cup of tea that would be hottest and have the most steam coming from it in the early hours, but would gradually cool down as time passes by. The amount of steam would be dependent on the hours, minutes, and seconds and would ultimately lessen by the end of the day.