

video link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/d8gip9eu6h0vvu4/world_potus_tablet.mp4?dl=0

Google News Lab

The artists transform countries into bubbles, bouncing around as the user switches from topic to topic and sticking to each other depending on additional information on search habits. To visualize the data, the artists make use of variables such as colour, size and position of bubbles. I found this art piece pretty interactive because the balls change size, colour and position based on how the data and topic change. And the transition is very smooth. Details of issues they are representing is left out or simplified by the visualization due to limited size of bubbles. Using visual elements to represent data, the artists need to prioritize both artistic effect and readability of data, because artistic effect determines how people perceive the image and readability of data determines how much information they can receive.