
Exhibition Title:  ‘Unlikely Avian Taxonomies’
Designers:          Zoë Sadokierski and Kate Sweetapple.

In this project, Zoe and Kate categorized birds in 5 new taxonomies based on their names, and visualized the data of two taxonomies. Their research method is called exploratory data mining. They tried to find birds name with potential to be visualized, reading through more than 31,500 birds names.

First taxonomy are birds with “spots” or “stripes” in their name. Designers cut out several “birds” from a piece of paper, and put this paper on the other paper that has spots or stripes on it. As a result, it looks like birds with spots or stripes on their body.

The second taxonomy are birds with color in their names. They ended up with 3,442 birds categorised under 87 different colors. In order to visually display the data, they tried several ways: dots of different color, names in different color, and a pie chat to show the amount of birds.

here’s the link of their project: