
The artist I chose for this research post was Sarah Groff and this is the link to her website http://www.sarahgp.com/. Sarah had some amazing data art once coming across her page and there was one particular work of hers that I found to be unique and different which was called called Dot. This the link the exact project of this work http://www.sarahgp.com/projects/dot.html.



Although this is just a “dot” reason for the work is super interesting. Sarah was inspired by John Cage’s work I Ching. She expressed that she wanted to give the dot a chance soundscape and each of the colors matched with the genre accordly the size, the length of the book and much more. It creares emotion with the size of the dot and the color of both the background and the dot it self. When looking at her code I saw she used stuff like “function change book()” and make sound(); she created her own on how to tell the program what to do to get the exact effect she wanted. I found this really cool how this changes depending on the sound and evironment that the dot is in to give a different effect.