Variable face project



This program generates the face of a female figure with randomized facial features on the click of the mouse. Each rendering independently randomizes the curvatures for each facet of the hair along with its color. Similarly the program randomizes the curvature for the face and jawline. For the mouth, the program alters the width of the mouth along with its curvatures. The two eyes vary in shape and relative position to the eyelids in tandem. These two elements help develop a variance in emotion. Finally the nose also changes shape at the bridge.

The most difficult feature to develop in this project was the variance in the eyes, primarily because the two eyes had to change in tandem despite being different sizes. I initially endeavored to apply the changes to the eyelids, which produced uneven shaping. Eventually I discovered that the factor of change was much more even on the eyes themselves, so I applied the changes to them instead, thereby changing their relative position to the eyelids so the eyelids would still appear to move.

Link to code: