
One example of generative art that I found really beautiful was Weaving by LIA. It is composed of minimal, reduced black and white lines that are constantly shifting, braiding, and intertwining with each other. The black and white lines also alternate between existing in 3D and 2D; some lines are just stripes, but some lines form into cubes rising out of the piece. The resulting visuals are mesmerizing and very fun to look at. This composition was inspired by the Jacquard loom. The Engine for this can process the input data and “weave algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard loom weaves flowers and leaves.”

I think the idea of machine creation is really interesting. Since computers have already shown the ability to originate new creations that exceed the programmers’ expectations, to me, to most intriguing question of a computer creating art is how much intent a machine can have. In my opinion, art should be approached with an intent to express something like a concept, emotion, message, or etc. Even if the intent is just to create something beautiful, can a computer create something that is beautiful based on its own concepts of beauty and not based on human aesthetics?