I looked at the different of variety of artists who have created many types of generative art. One of the first artists that caught my eye would be Allison Parish Who is a computer programmer, poet, educator and game designer that researches on and makes art about language and the many ways on how its used. While looking through her art work, there were two that I really liked and thought were interesting. The first one was rewordable which is a card game that is based off arranging words and the complexity of the words increases each time as you keep playing.It is a very colorful game which makes the game pop a lot. A fun fact is that it was chosen foo NYU’s Game Center’s Incubator program. Here is the link to the webitsite http://www.rewordable.com/.
Another artist that I found very interesting is Neri Oxman who is an Architect and designer that does many 3D prints such as the one in this one in tlink http://www.materialecology.com/projects/details/zuhalhis . 3D printed with Stratasys multi-material 3D printing technology was used to create this piece. It consist of swirls, shapes,lines, circles and has a mixture of colors such as green, yellow and blue.
The two artist I chose are good examples of different types of generative art. Both of these artists are different from each other. One does crazy 3D designs that become objects or are incorporated into clothing, while the other does more like game design with colorful shapes. The artist is the one giving the directions to the computer to make certain shapes and sizes. I feel as thought there is some type of team work between the two and thats how the finish pieces for the projects come in. Beauty and human aesthetics be formalized and proceduralized because a computer can create perfection if it is told to. Although I also think that if the artist wanted to they could tell the comuter to make something not so perfect if they told it to.