This virtual interactive artwork was created by user Henrique Bergamo on OpenProcessing. Defined mostly by intertwining white points and lines, it is consistently spinning and slowly unraveling around itself. When the user clicks on it or clicks the space bar, the design instantly changes to be a different, but still spherical pattern. Using the left or right arrow key causes the design to change spinning direction to various speeds, ultimately transforming the pattern. The interactive distortions captures the eye to follow along each line as they move to create something new, similar to a kaleidoscope effect.
Artwork like this intrigue me because they seem so simple, yet extremely complex at the same time. With it constantly moving, it’s difficult to notice every detail that has been put in precise place to achieve the full experience. The lines move and interact fluidly through coding, making what may appear to be random transformation actually very intentional. Working with software allow for art to be virtual, therefore possibly more personal as it can respond to touch and human interaction.
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