This is a 7 week studio class that introduces the basics of HTML, CSS and web publishing. Students will learn how to hand craft websites from scratch. They will be introduced to web development tools and workflows, alongside histories of the web, internet art and cyberfeminism. They will hand-code web projects to be both self hosted, and/or presented on experimental servers maintained according to feminist principles.

Read the full syllabus.


Add your project links to the sheet by 6pm on the day they are due. See the grading rubric in the syllabus document.

Create an interactive hypertext narrative that reveals something about yourself or an experience you've had. It could be a story about yourself or an experience you had, a journey through a topic you're interested in or are researching, a mode of navigation that mimics your mood or personality. There should be multiple HTML pages, linked together by a tags. Each page could contain text and/or images. No styling. Limit your focus to story and html tags.

Weight: 15% of class grade.


* Thanks to Lauren Lee McCarthy for this exercise.

Create a home for the work made in this class. Start by making a basic html/css page. Add to it throughout semester as you learn and experiment more. First review will be in class in week 3, with another look at it in the final week of the class.

Weight: 15% of class grade.

Create a website (with one or more pages) for an existing manifesto. You can either choose one of the manifestos we have read in class, or another one if you prefer. See the Arena channel for some. Research who wrote the manifesto, and the context in which it was produced. What was it pushing back against ? What is it advocating for? How can the design, aesthetic treatment and logic of your site reflect the conceptual content of the manifesto? Consider including additional references, research or example of work to accompany the manifesto.

Make a post with the link to the project and a brief description on your personal homepage

Weight: 20% of class grade.

The final project for this class is an open brief. You are to devise the brief and goals for the final website you make in this class. This is a chance for you to make your own contribution to the hand-coded web, to add your own voice to the choir. Consider all the sites you've looked and and explored in this class and beyond, which ones create the kind of space your interested in? What do you think is missing from this history? You should aim to make something personal, that speaks to an interest, your own practice or research. Consider that sites are never finished but always being updated and in the making. Consider what kind of site you'd be interested in working on in the future?

Stuck? Consider the following starting points:

  • A website for collecting: sketches, other websites, images, or references.
  • A project that extends your practice or current area of research.
  • A website that is based on a specific mood, feeling or emotion.
  • An extension or elaboration of an exercise or project from this class.
  • A website that tells a story.
  • A website that is based on a particular structural metaphor (eg. in reference to Laurel Schwulst's reading from week 1.
  • Class arena channel may hold more inspiration.

Weight: 20% of class grade.

Each week you are to write a brief response to the reading (150-250 words). Either link an idea, a prompt, an argument or a question from the reading to a creative or critical project from the field, or discuss how it relates to your own practice. When you are considering the readings, don't forget to consider when the text was written, and who it was written by.

One week during the semester you will be assigned as a lead for the reading discussion. As a discussion lead, you are expected to come to class with a question for the class related to the reading, and/or share a relevant example from the field of art or design to kick off the conversation.

Weight: 20% of class grade.

Student Homepages


New York University stands upon the homelands of the Munsee Lenape.

Parts of this syllabus have been inspired by Melanie Hoff , Lauren Lee McCarthy , Sam Lavigne and Mindy Seu. Class website inspired by Mindy Seu.

Oct 27: Class 1 ~ WELCOME

6:30–6:50 Introductions.
6:50–7:20 Syllabus review. Code of conduct.
Reading discussants:
  1. Week 2: Shuang, Crystal, Qin Ying
  2. Week 3: Zhuoru, Sarah, Tuan
  3. Week 4: Pawita, Chaski, Kevin, Amy
  4. Week 5: Rachael, Lameesa, Kisha, Ruoyun
  5. Week 6: Shengli, Sophie, Divya, Kristina
7:35–8:30 Lecture. History of the internet and intro to hyperText markup language.
  • Workspace setup.
  • Uploading to netlify.
  • HTML exercise.

Homework for next week:
  1. Project 1: Hypertext Narrative
  2. Reading: J. R. CARPENTER, 2015 A Handmade Web
  3. Reading: Olia Lialina, 2012, Vernacular Web 2
  4. Reading: Laurel Schwulst, 2018, My Website is a Shifting House ...,

Nov 3: Class 2 ~ HANDMADE WEB

6:30–7:00 Project 1 review.
7.00–7.20 Reading Discussion
7:35–8:30 Handmade web and project 2. Intro to CSS. Fonts. Margins, Divs and spans. Color.
8.40–9.30: Coding Round Robin * See the results.

Homework for next week:
  1. Project 2: Classwork sites.
  2. Reading: Claire Evans, 2016, Feminist Worldbuilding in the Australian Cyberswamp
  3. Reading: VNS Matrix, A cyberfeminist manifesto
  4. Reading: Rosa Menkman, Glitch Studies Manifesto
  5. Reading: Mindy Seu, Cyberfeminist Index - About

* Thanks to emma rae norton for this exercise.
Nov 10: Class 3 ~ CYBERFEMINISM

6:30–7:00 Reading discussion.
Add your links for project 2 to the sheet (even though these sites will evolve over the course of the semester).
7:00–7:30 What is cyberfeminism? And project 3.
7.45–8.45 Position: Grids and flex boxes. CSS animation. CSS gradients.
8.45–9.30 Work Session

Homework for next week:
  1. See exercises at the bottom of the week 3 notes.
  2. Reading: Feminist Server Manifesto
  3. Reading: Alexander Galloway, Protocol. Introduction. (And if you're into it, chapter 1.)
Nov 17: Class 4 ~ SERVERS

6:30–7:30 Guest: Laurel Schwulst
7.45–8.15 Reading discussion and servers.
8:15–9:20 Position recap. Mobile responsiveness. Prepping images and media for the web.
8.30–9.30 Work session.

Homework for next week:
  1. Reading: American Artist, Black Gooey Universe.
  2. Reading: Frank Chimero, What Screens Want
  3. Reading: Chancey Fleet, Dark Patterns in Accessibility Tech . Or listen as a podcast .
  4. Reading: Critical Interface Manifesto
Nov 24: No class

Thanksgiving break.
Dec 1: Class 5 ~ INTERFACE

6.30–7.20 Project 3 review #1.
7.20–7.45 Reading discussion
Guest:Sam Lavigne. Intro to JS and Vue.js.

Homework for next week:
  1. Reading: Shoshana Zuboff, 2019, Introduction, Surveillance Capitalism. (see the drive)
  2. Reading: Evgeny Morozov, February 4, 2019, Capitalism’s New Clothes.
Dec 8: Class 6 ~ DATA

6.30–7.30 Project 3 review #2.
7.30–7.50 Reading discussion.
8.00–9.00: Work session and review.

Homework for next week:
  1. Final project.
Dec 15: Class 7 ~ FINAL

Project 4 review.