Guides for this class
Here is a guide to taking screenshots and screen captures to document your work.
To export your sketch as an animated GIF, please download and use Licecap
Online Instruction
- Hello Processing – Dan Shiffman very enthusiastically walks you through Processing in about an hour.
- Shiffman Learning Processing video series. The roughly matches the textbook arc.
- Video tutorials from Interactive Multimedia Class at ITP – If you like Shiffman’s style, here are video tutorials by programming topic. Highly recommended for revision !!
- on Processing
Processing Books
- Shiffman, Daniel, Learning Processing (class textbook)
- Processing, A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers – Reas and Fry
- Shiffman, Daniel, 2012, The Nature of Code
- All Processing books
Need help with code and debugging?
See this Field Guide to Debugging. Or join the class slack – channel #pva and ask your questions there.
Other useful tools we will use throughout this course
- Github & references
- Sublime Text 2
- Command line crash course (tutorials for helping you understand the terminal)
- p5.js– Processing library designed for the web using Javascript.
Other Tools for Creative Computation
- Arduino – Open-source electronics prototyping platform.
- ChucK – Strongly-timed, concurrent, and on-the-fly audio programming language.
- Cinder – Free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
- Flash – Adobe’s standard for delivering high-impact, rich Web content.
- GLSL – A high-level C-style shading language for OpenGL.
- Grasshopper – Visual programming language for generative modeling in Rhino.
- Max/MSP/Jitter – A visual programming language for music and multimedia.
- Maya Embedded Language (MEL) – A scripting language for the 3D graphics software, Maya.
- NodeBox – A free, cross-platform library for generating 2D animations with Python.
- openFrameworks – An open source, cross-platform C++ toolkit for creative coding.
- ofxAddons – An extensive set of community-contributed extensions to openFrameworks
- Processing – An electronic sketchbook for developing ideas in Java.
- p5.js– Processing library designed for the web using Javascript.
- Pure Data – A real-time graphical programming environment for audiovisual processing.
- Quartz Composer – A node-based visual programming language for rendering graphics in OSX.
- RhinoScript – A scripting tool for the Rhino modeler, based on Microsoft’s VBScript.
- SuperCollider – A programming language for realtime audio synthesis and algorithmic composition.
- Unity3D – An integrated authoring tool for creating interactive 3D environments.
- VVVV – A graphical programming environment for large media environments
Feeds and Blogs for Inspiration
- Creative Applications
- Creators Project
- Cinder Gallery
- Data Is Nature
- Flowing Data
- Future Feeder
- Infosthetics
- Networked Performance
- Notcot
- OpenProcessing
- Processing Exhibition
- ProcessingJS Exhibition
- Rhizome
- This is Colossal
- Today and Tomorrow
- Vimeo: openFrameworks
- Vimeo: Processing
- Visual Complexity
- We Make Money Not Art
Books on Art + Code + Programming
- R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, V. Hanschke, A Touch of Code
- Casey Reas and Chandler McWilliams, Form+Code
- Bohnacker, Gross, Laub and Lazzeroni, Generative Design
- New Art Science Affinities, with contributors: Andrea Grover, Régine Debatty, Claire Evans, Pablo Garcia, Thumb Projects
- Troika, Digital by Design
- Edward A. Shanken, Art and Electronic Media
- Alexander, Ishikawa, Silverstein, A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction
- Matthias Felleisen, How to Design Programs: An Introduction to Programming and Computing
- Richard W. Hamming, Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn
- Charles Petzold, Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software