
Guides for this class

Here is a guide to taking screenshots and screen captures to document your work.

To export your sketch as an animated GIF, please download and use Licecap


Online Instruction

Processing Books

Need help with code and debugging?

See this Field Guide to Debugging. Or join the class slack – channel #pva and ask your questions there.

Other useful tools we will use throughout this course

Other Tools for Creative Computation

  • Arduino – Open-source electronics prototyping platform.
  • ChucK – Strongly-timed, concurrent, and on-the-fly audio programming language.
  • Cinder – Free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
  • Flash – Adobe’s standard for delivering high-impact, rich Web content.
  • GLSL – A high-level C-style shading language for OpenGL.
  • Grasshopper – Visual programming language for generative modeling in Rhino.
  • Max/MSP/Jitter – A visual programming language for music and multimedia.
  • Maya Embedded Language (MEL) – A scripting language for the 3D graphics software, Maya.
  • NodeBox – A free, cross-platform library for generating 2D animations with Python.
  • openFrameworks  – An open source, cross-platform C++ toolkit for creative coding.
  • ofxAddons – An extensive set of community-contributed extensions to openFrameworks
  • Processing – An electronic sketchbook for developing ideas in Java.
  • p5.js–  Processing library designed for the web using Javascript.
  • Pure Data – A real-time graphical programming environment for audiovisual processing.
  • Quartz Composer – A node-based visual programming language for rendering graphics in OSX.
  • RhinoScript – A scripting tool for the Rhino modeler, based on Microsoft’s VBScript.
  • SuperCollider – A programming language for realtime audio synthesis and algorithmic composition.
  • Unity3D – An integrated authoring tool for creating interactive 3D environments.
  • VVVV – A graphical programming environment for large media environments

Feeds and Blogs for Inspiration

Books on Art + Code + Programming

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