Self Sketch and Generative Face

I tried to give this a more cartoonish feel to it, but it was definitely difficult to use. The eyes do change color at random.Screen Shot 2016-09-21 at 8.47.14 AM


With the generative face, I went in a new direction and started from scratch, and it ended up looking more like a frog. When you click, the eyebrows, pupils, nose, and mouth change position, the eyes change color completely, and the nose becomes a different shade of red.Screen Shot 2016-09-21 at 8.43.44 AMScreen Shot 2016-09-21 at 8.44.07 AMScreen Shot 2016-09-21 at 8.44.18 AMScreen Shot 2016-09-21 at 8.52.04 AM

Generative Face

I messed around a bit with the code and it almost looks like an anime character or something.



When you click, the mouth and eyes change position and his hat changes color. I’m trying to find a way to change his skin tone and the background without it looking weird.

Generative Face

Adding features was kind of hard for me to do, so I kept it clean and simple. I added arms, so every time I clicked the mouse and my faces changed, the arms moved creating body movement that matched each face expression.

face sketch 2

face sketch_2face_sketch 2 face sketch 2_