Guitar skeleton

-character animated playing guitar that every sound will removed body parts from the skeleton.

Thinks to Built – Skeleton (movement)

Objects that can be removed from the skeleton;

– Muscles (movement)

– heart & brain (exploiting or just been pulled )

– skin (streched & remove)


Actual interaction with the first individual 30 sounds (5 sounds per string * 6 frets) from the first 5 frets of a electro acoustic guitar

pitch detection will be the factor of the body issues moving

(wave amplitude) Not so sure about it.

So, each body parts covering the skeleton should be attached to a note (30 different sounds),

then if there is more than 6 sounds at the time (like a chord) the skeleton will set on fire.  calavera calaveruda

I liked the idea of visualizing an image. My inspiration was a music video by the band Phantogram, for whom the artist Joshua Davis in collaboration with Timothi Saccenti created visual language.

By using processing library minim audio spectrum can be read from a file or a microphone and by applying the collected data we can control visual on screen in shape of animation or lighting.

I would like to have an audio playing already which affects screen arranged with pixels, depending from pressure of a sound the color pallete would change. We would experience synesthesia, seeing colors in notes. Besides that a user by speaking or singing through microphone could interact with a sound and pixels, and byproduct would be a new sound.



if i wanted to make a final project, i would want it to interact with the user using MouseX or MouseY variables, a game, animation or easing. i was really interseted in doing the beetle experiment, when a bunch of “stuff” come towards/away from the mouse. it would have to go towards my porfolio as well.

Final Project Concept

My idea for the final project involves making some sort of game in processing. I want to make a game that’s very simple yet fun, as displayed by a simple processing game designed by Francis Baptiste, Rebound. This is a game where you draw a single line to direct a ball towards a red circle, and it’s dictated entirely by processing physics. Another similar game made in Processing that inspired me was a game called Jump by Christine Ling. It’s a game with a very simple concept, jumping at the right time, but that one concept is so much more fun to play than you’d originally anticipate. My idea involves a two player experience, where one person uses the keyboard to move a figure around the screen, and the other uses the mouse to attack the other player with traps. These traps would be based off of different shapes you can draw using processing (ellipse, triangle, rectangle) and would help show off several different usable functions. There will also be a timer, and if the first player survives long enough, they’ll win. “If” statements and objects will probably be the most used tactic in the programming of this game.


Final Project Ideas

I had an idea for my final project, which is to expand on sound. I wanted to maybe go a little further with the software instrument that I submitted this week or even work on something different. I thought of experimenting with different sounds that we don’t usually enjoy hearing, although it’ll be annoying it’ll catch peoples attention. Still, I haven’t figured out what type of instrument I want to use to display each sound but I know for a fact sound is something I want to work with for my final project. The first thing that popped into my head was what does technology sound like or what sounds do we think of when we think of programming, do we even hear a noise/sound and what does it look like? That’s what I have in mind, still figuring out the figures or objects I’m going to use to demonstrate what we think programming sounds like.

Final Project

I want to find a way to incorporate finger prints into my final project. I was thinking about playing off of Rachel Binx’s use of 3D printing. I thought about the idea of trying to find a finger print scanner that also had a library in processing but that technology doesn’t seem to be popular enough to have that yet. Then I thought about somehow using the one built into our phones, but the real question is how to interpret that data once you have it. I’d like to have a small outline of the fingerprints that you could then display or maybe wear as a necklace. I think it might be difficult to get the spacing of the lines right because you’d be working with something so intricate, but I’m looking forward to hearing feedback from the class. I’m totally open to new ideas and criticism.

Final Project Idea

My goal for the final project is to create and customize my own music visualizer. I found an artist on the web who makes real time, generative art that usually consists of audio and sound. His name is Simo Santavirta, he is located in Finland and according to his blog site, he has managed to make a living being a web developer. In the past decade he has worked with real-time graphics at Odd Circle, thus pursuing his passion for computer art in his “precious free time.” I particularly appreciate the work that deals with hd, and 3d graphics that are generated in response to sound and music. It makes a listening experience a visual one as well, enhancing the journey of the act of listening to music.




I had been having some trouble getting some of the features to operate the way I wanted it to. But, I kept it simple and was able to get the eyes to  open up bigger each second and the mouth opens and closes as the random colors changes. I left the minute and hour hand in the face of the clock, just to represent the nose.


Final Clock: Game Clock

Since my video clock idea fell flat on its face, I had to come up with a backup idea. I wanted this clock to strongly resemble a retro style game, with every coin you collect counting as one second. The sun in the background will also move for every hour, and if you hold down the mouse button, you can see a more straightforward version of the time, though I wanted to add more to that screen.clock