Final Project


My final project is a simple game I created using graphics from the Zelda series. My original plan was to recreate interactive animated characters from various Nintendo series, though I had been unsure about it from the start and ultimately ended up changing my mind last minute due to the difficulty of the project. Though this concept is somewhat simpler than what I had planned initially, I still managed to make something both interactive and Nintendo related. The character on the right (Link) is able to move up and down using the ‘w’ and ‘s’ keys, and can shoot a sword when the ‘a’ is pressed and held. If the sword comes into contact with the enemy on the other side of the screen, the enemy disappears and a new one spawns, though . There is really no way to win or lose the game, since there is no consequence for missing the enemy or not shooting it in time. The only goal is to shoot the enemy, and not miss. I gained inspiration for this project from the rain game that was shown in class, and the Legend of Zelda games. This program is still a work in progress, however, and I hope to improve it somehow in the future.

Zach Lieberman

Zach Lieberman is a co-founder of openframeworks, c++ library for coding. He is a new media artist and computer programmer, and teaches at Parsons, where he also attended school. With assistance from other new media artists, he created a school for poetic computation.

Time Management

According to the time management calculator, I have negative hours of time to myself, which I think is very wrong. I believe that I have plenty of time to myself, despite all the work and other responsibilities that I need to take care of. Personally, I think that they way they calculate time in the calculator should be altered so that the results are more realistic.

Sound Instrument


My sound instrument displays the icon and cry of a pokemon at a random spot on the scrceen when a letter key is pressed. The pokemon that is displayed depends on the key that is pressed, so if the letter ‘a’ is pressed, a pokemon beginning with the letter A is displayed. When the pokemon appears on the screen, its cry will sound.



My clock includes a sun and moon that are visible depending on the time of day. As the day approaches sunrise, a sun that rises every hour appears on the screen, and sets as the day ends. At night, a moon rises every hour, and sets as morning approaches. The cloud moves to the right every minute and the circle moves to the right every second. Both restart when they reach 60.